
New notary office opens in Istog Municipality

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, visited notary Shpend Haskaj in his new notary office in Istog.

Minister Haxhiu concludes her visit to Croatia meeting heads of justice bodies

On the third day of the visit to Croatia, accompanied by members of the Cabinet and officials of the Ministry of Justice, the Minister of Justice, Ms. Albulena Haxhiu, has met with the state leaders of Croatia justice bodies, such as: The Supreme Court, the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor, the Constitutional Court, as well as other institutional representatives.

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu, po zhvillon një vizitës zyrtare në Mbr...

Haxhiu fillimisht e ka uruar z. Tesfaye për detyrën e re si Ministër i Drejtësisë dhe njëherit ka shprehur gatishmërinë për të thelluar bashkëpunimin e mirë që kanë këto dy ministri për çështjet të cilat janë në interes të të dyja vendeve.

Ministrja Haxhiu, takoi anëtaret e Komisionit për Dhënien e Provimit për Përmba...

Në fjalën e saj, ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu e cilësoi si të rëndësishëm mirëfunksionimin e Komisionit, si dhe organizimin sa më të kompletuar të procesit të Provimit për Përmbarues Privat.

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu, priti në takim homologun nga Mbretëria...
Prishtinë 10/03/2022

Ministrja Haxhiu, duke iu uruar mirëseardhje ministrit Hækkerup dhe delegacionit danez, shprehu mirënjohjen për bashkëpunimin korrekt të Mbretërisë së Danimarkës, duke i cilësuar si aleat tejet të vlefshëm, veçmas për gatishmërinë e tyre për të ndihmuar Republikën e Kosovës në fushën e drejtësisë penale.

Koncept-dokumenti për Ekspertët gjyqësorë, mori miratimin e Qeverisë
Prishtinë 09/03/2022

Në mbledhjen e Qeverisë, ministrja Haxhiu, paraqiti për miratim Koncept-dokumentin për ekspertët gjyqësor, pasi që është vlerësuar si i domosdoshëm dhe urgjent rregullimi dhe normimi i kësaj çështje, nga i cili do të krijohet edhe mekanizmi formal për emërimin e ekspertëve.

Qeveria miratoi Projektligjin për ndryshimin dhe plotësimin e ligjit për Këshil...
Prishtinë 09/03/2022

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu, në mbledhjen e Qeverisë, propozoi për shqyrtim dhe miratim Projektligjin për plotësim ndryshimin e ligjit për Këshillin Prokurorial, një reformë që do të ketë ndikim pozitiv në sistemin e drejtësisë.

Lansimi i raportit vlerësues krahasimor të të dhënave për funksionimin e sistem...
Prishtinë 01/03/2022

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu, mori pjesë në këtë ngjarje me rëndësi tejet të veçantë, me ç’rast u bë lansimi i raportit vlerësues krahasimor të të dhënave për funksionimin e drejtësisë gjatë periudhës 2014-2022.

Qeveria i jep mbështetje Marrëveshjes ndërmjet Kosovës dhe Shqipërisë për ndihm...
Prishtinë 23/02/2022

Në mbledhjen e sotme të Qeverisë, ministrja Haxhiu ka prezantuar katër ekspoze për shqyrtim dhe aprovim përfshirë; Projektligjin për Ratifikimin e Marrëveshjes ndërmjet Qeverisë sё Republikës së Kosovës dhe Këshillit tё Ministrave tё Republikës së Shqipërisë për Ndihmë të Ndërsjellë Juridike në Çështjet Civile dhe Tregtare, Projektligjin për ekzekutimin e sanksioneve penale, Projektligjin për Shërbimin Korrektues të Kosovës si dhe Projektligjin për Shërbimin Sprovues të Kosovës.

Prishtinë 18/02/2022

Sot, në ambientet e Ministrisë së Drejtësisë është nënshkruar një Deklaratë e Përbashkët Zotimi në mes të Ministres së Drejtësisë znj. Albulena Haxhiu, Kryesuesit të Këshillit Gjyqësor të Kosovës, z. Albert Zogaj, si dhe Kryetarit të Gjykatës Supreme të Kosovës, z. Enver Peci.

Ministrja Haxhiu priti në takim Ambasadorin Amerikan, Jeffrey Hovenier
Prishtinë 14/02/2022

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu, priti në takim Ambasadorin e Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës, në Republikën e Kosovë, Jeffrey Hovenier.

Fjala e Ministres Haxhiu në Konferencën vjetore të prokurorëve
Prishtinë 11/02/2022

Mirë se e gjejmë njëri-tjetrin në konferencën vjetore të prokuroreve, një ditë shumë të rëndësishme për sistemin prokurorial. Fatkeqësisht rrethanat me pandeminë kanë pamundësuar që të mblidhemi të gjithë, në mënyrë që të inkurajojmë njëri-tjetrin për përmbushjen e detyrave tona.

Drejt finalizimit Projektligji për ndryshimin dhe plotësimin e Ligjit për Këshi...
Prishtinë 10/02/2022

Sot, grupi punues për hartimin dhe finalizimin e projektligjeve të sistemit prokurial, mbajti takim diskutimi mbi Projektligjin për Këshillin Prokurorial të Kosovës. Në takim morën pjesë zëvendësministrat e Drejtësisë, Blerim Sallahu dhe Dr. Nita Shala, zyrtarë të Ministrisë së Drejtësisë, përfaqësues të institucioneve ligj-zbatuese, partnerë ndërkombëtarë si dhe përfaqësues nga shoqëria civile.

Diskutim për vettingun mes Ministres Haxhiu dhe Raportuesve të Komisionit të Ve...
Prishtinë 09/02/2022

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu, së bashku me anëtarët e grupit punues, zhvilluan takim me raportuesit e Komisionit të Venecias, z. Pere Vilanova, z. Cesare Pinelli dhe znj. Grainne McMorrow, ku diskutuan për vettingun në sistemin e drejtësisë.

Ministrja Haxhiu priti në takim shefin e EULEX-it, Wigemark
Prishtinë 09/02/2022

Ministrja Haxhiu sot ka pritur në takim shefin e EULEX-it, Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, me të cilën biseduan për bashkëpunim në fushën e drejtësisë dhe fuqizimin e ligjit.

U mbajt takimi i parë i Grupit Punues për hartimin e Strategjisë nacionale për ...
Prishtinë 18/08/2021

Sot është mbajtur takimi i parë i grupit punues për hartimin e strategjisë nacionale për drejtësi tranzicionale. Pjesë e takimit të parë ishte kryeministri i Kosovës, Albin Kurti, dhe ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu.

Ministrja e Drejtësisë priti në takim përfaqësueset e Shoqatës për Prindër të N...
Prishtinë 27/04/2021

Sot, Ministrja e Drejtësisë znj. Albulena Haxhiu ka pritur në takim drejtoreshën e shoqatës APS, znj. Arjeta Gashi dhe bashkëpunëtoret e saj.

Zëvendësministri në Ministrinë e Drejtësisë vizitoi sot Burgun e Sigurisë së La...
Prishtinë 26/04/2021

Zëvendësministri i Drejtësisë, z. Blerim Sallahu së bashku me asistenten e Ministres së Drejtësisë, znj. Berita Abazi, u takuan sot me drejtorin e Burgut të Sigurisë së Lartë z. Burim Buleshkaj.

Zëvendësministri i Drejtësisë, z. Blerim Sallahu priti në takim përfaqësuesit n...
Prishtinë 26/04/2021

Kryetari i bordit të OAK, e uroi Zëvendësministrin Sallahu, për marrjen e detyrës së qeverisjes së re, duke shprehë edhe besimin që proceset e neglizhuara nga qeverisjet e kaluara të marrin trajtim serioz për të shënuar progres të dukshëm.

Ministri Selimi: Të angazhuar për trajtimin e çdo kërkese të familjarëve të per...
Prishtinë 06/11/2020

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi, së bashku me Kryetaren e Kuvendit dhe U.d. Presidenten e Republikës së Kosovës, Vjosa Osmani dhe nënkryetaren e Kuvendit të Republikës së Kosovës, Arbërie Nagavci, kanë pritur në takim znj. Nusrete Kumnova, kryetare e shoqatës “Thirrjet e Nënave”.

Zëvendësministri Dushi: Të përkushtuar për ndërtimin e praktikave më të mira në...

Zëvendësministri i Drejtësisë, njëherit Koordinatori Nacional Kundër Dhunës në Familje, z. Florian Dushi, sot ka marrë pjesë në një Konferencë virtuale për të diskutuar për Standardet e Konventës së Stambollit të Këshillit të Evropës, e cila ka të bëjë më ngritjen e vetëdijes dhe marrjen e masave kundër dhunës ndaj grave, ndaj vajzave dhe dhunës në familje në përgjithësi.

Zëvendësministri Dushi në takim me z. Wahl: OSBE partner i rëndësishëm i Minist...
Prishtinë 22/09/2020

Zëvendësministri i Drejtësisë, njëherit Koordinatori Nacional për Mbrojtje nga Dhuna në Familje, Z. Florian Dushi ka pritur sot në takim Zëvendës shefin e Misionit të OSBE, Kilian Wahl dhe ekipin e tij me të cilin biseduan për bashkëpunimin e mëtejmë lidhur me projektet të cilat kanë në fokus kryesor luftimin e dhunës në baza gjinore, përfshirë dhunën në familje.

Miratohen tre projekt-ligje të hartuara dhe të propozuara nga Ministria e Drejt...
Prishtinë 14/09/2020

Ministri i Drejtësisë Selim Selimi, sot në mbledhjen e Qeverisë së Republikës së Kosovës ka paraqitur tre projekt-ligje të cilat janë shqyrtuar dhe miratuar nga kabineti qeveritar, si në vijim:

Minister Selimi: Partnership with the United States valued at every stage of ad...

During his official visit to Washington, Minister Selimi met with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Jorgan Andrews from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

Ministri Selimi: Të përkushtuar në realizimin e procesit të reformës në drejtës...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi sot ka mbajtur një konferencë për media përmes së cilës e ka njoftuar opinionin publik lidhur me vendimin për themelimin e grupit punues për hartimin e modaliteteve dhe skenarëve për çështje të reformës në sistemin e drejtësisë me qëllim të adresimit të llogaridhënies duke përfshirë edhe vettingun, i cili u votua sot në mbledhjen e Qeverisë.

Unifikimi i shqiptarëve në Luginë ndër hapat më të rëndësishëm politik

Gjatë qëndrimit të tij në Luginë, Ministri Selimi së bashku me ministren Haradinaj–Stublla, pas një vale takimesh me përfaqësues të institucioneve dhe bizneseve, kanë ndaluar në Bujanoc ku janë pritur nga Kryetari i Këshillit Kombëtar Shqiptar, Ragmi Mustafa, deputetet e zgjedhur nga “Lista e përbashkët” Alternativa Demokratike Shqiptare në Luginë si dhe fituesin e zgjedhjeve lokale në Komunën e Bujanocit, Nagip Arifi.

Ministri Selimi takoi Kryetarin Arifi: Me punë të përbashkët, do ta bëjmë më të...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi së bashku me Ministren për Punë të Jashtme dhe Diasporë, Meliza Haradinaj - Stublla, po qëndrojnë në një vizitë zyrtare në Luginë të Preshevës.

Ministri Selimi prezantoi Projekt Kodin Civil të Republikës së Kosovës

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi, sot ka prezantuar Projekt Kodin Civil të Republikës së Kosovës,  i cili është hartuar nga Ministria e Drejtësisë në konsultim me akterët vendor të drejtësisë, partnerët ndërkombëtar dhe shoqërinë civile.

Ministri Selimi: MD do të ofrojë të gjitha kapacitetet për hartimin e legjislac...

 Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi, sot ka vizituar Komunën e Prishtinës, me ç ‘rast është takuar me kryetarin z. Shpend Ahmeti.

Ministri Selimi takoi kryetarin e Odës së Avokatëve, Behar Ejupi

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi është takuar me kryetarin e Odës së Avokatëve të Kosovës (OAK), Behar Ejupi dhe nënkryetarin, Naim Rudari, me të cilët ka diskutuar për prioritetet, sfidat dhe punët e këtij institucioni.

Ministri Selimi takoi Ambasadorin e Mbretërisë së Bashkuar Nicholas Abbott

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi është takuar me Ambasadorin e Mbretërisë së Bashkuar, Nicholas Abbott, me të cilin ka diskutuar për punët, sfidat dhe prioritetet e tij për fuqizimin e sistemit të drejtësisë në Kosovë.

Minister Selimi meets with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to ...

Minister of Justice, Selim Selimi, today met with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Kosovo, Gerrie Willems.

Ministri Selimi: Mbetemi të koordinuar me UNICEF për përmirësimin e kuadrit lig...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi sot ka pritur në takim shefin e Zyrës së UNICEF-it në Kosovë, Murat Sahin.

Ministri Selimi: Sistemi i drejtësisë do të jetë më funksional me krijimin e Gj...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selim, sot ka marrë pjesë në një forum virtual për të diskutuar mbi Drejtësinë Komerciale, të organizuar nga Oda Ekonomike Amerikane në Kosovë, në bashkëpunim me programin e USAID për Drejtësi Komerciale.

Minister Selimi meets with USAID Mission Director for Kosovo, Lisa Magno

Today, the Minister of Justice, Selim Selimi, met the Director of the USAID Mission in Kosovo, Lisa Magno, with whom he discussed his priorities for strengthening the rule of law in Kosovo.

Minister Selimi meets with EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Nataliya Aposto...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Selim Selimi, met in an introductory meeting the Head of the European Union Office, the EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova.

Ministri Selimi takohet me Koordinatoren për Zhvillim të OKB-së në Kosovë, Ulri...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Selim Selimi, sot është takuar me Koordinatoren për Zhvillim të OKB-së në Kosovë, Ulrika Richardson, shefen e Programit për Zhvillim të Kombeve të Bashkuara (UNDP) në Kosovë, Maria Suokko, drejtoreshën e UN Women - Vlora Tuzi- Nushi dhe udhëheqësen e zyrës së UNFPA, Visare Nimani.

Minister Selimi takes office as head of Ministry of Justice

Mr. Selim Selimi today officially took office as Minister of Justice. The ceremony of taking up the office by Minister Selimi, was carried out by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Qemajl Marmullakaj, due to the absence of the former Minister, Ms. Albulena Haxhiu.

Kosovo Ranks First in the Western Balkans in Respecting Rule of Law

In coordination with USAID and the Ministry of Justice, Kosovo is for the first time included in the “World Justice Project Rule of Law Index”, a project that measures the rule of law based on general experiences and perceptions.

Minister Haxhiu writes a letter to the correctional officers, thanks them and a...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, addressed a letter to the officers of the correctional institutions, who are in the line of duty during this challenge with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Minister Haxhiu visits the State Shelter for the Housing of Trafficking Victims

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, visited the State Shelter for the Housing of Trafficking Victims, where she closely saw the work and implementation of Covid-19 preventive measures and the conditions in which medium- and high-level trafficking cases as well as victims of trafficking are staying.

Minister Haxhiu meets with the Chief State Prosecutor Mr. Lumezi

Today, the Minister of Justice, Mrs. Albulena Haxhiu, met with the Chief State Prosecutor, Mr. Aleksander Lumezi.

Minister Haxhiu issues guidelines for Free Legal Professions, requests payment ...

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, after reviewing the request of the Kosovo Private Enforcement Chamber, has issued several guidelines through which some action measures have been proposed for the Free Legal Professions in Kosovo, regarding the pandemic situation created by the Covid-19 virus.

Minister Haxhiu supervises the implementation of measures in the High Security ...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, visited the High Security Prison and the Detention Center in Prishtina, where she was closely informed about the implementation of the recommendations on the epidemiological situation created by the Covid-19.

Minister Haxhiu participates in the International Conference organized by the K...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, participated in the International Conference organized by the Kosovo Police, where they discussed gender-based violence with a focus on sexual harassment in the workplace, obstacles to the women’s advancement in decision-making positions.

Minister Haxhiu receives the integrated database for cases of domestic violence

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, today received the integrated database for cases of domestic violence, a project implemented by the Ministry of Justice and supported by the EU in cooperation with UN Women

The Minister of Justice holds the meeting of the FRRLS Steering Committee

Today, the Ministry of Justice held the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Functional Review of the Rule of Law Sector. FRRLS is a reform initiative of the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC), the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) and key sector actors, to ensure a comprehensive and consolidated vision of the rule of law, to raise citizens’ trust in the justice system, to accelerate economic development and bring Kosovo closer to the European Union.

Minister Haxhiu visited the association “The Cries of the Mothers” on Internati...

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, on the occasion of March 8 - International Women’s Day, visited the representatives of the association "The Cries of the Mothers", with whom she discussed the issue of the missing persons from the war in Kosovo

On International Women’s Day, Minister Haxhiu visits female prisoners at the Li...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, marking March 8, International Women’s Day, visited the Correctional Center in Lipjan, where she met with the correctional staff and the women serving sentences and those held in custody.

On the occasion of March 8, Minister Haxhiu visited the shelter

Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, marking International Women’s Day, visited the shelter “Safe House” in Gjakova

Minister Haxhiu meets with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom, Mr. Nicholas A...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, met with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Nicholas Abbot.

Minister Haxhiu visits the Law Faculty at UP, promises to deepen cooperation

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, visited the Law Faculty of the University of Prishtina where she met with the Dean, Mr. Haxhi Gashi, and the vice deans of the same faculty, Ms. Iliriana Islami and Mr. Besfort Rrecaj.

Minister Haxhiu: State institutions, police, prosecution and courts must protec...

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, today participated in the Conference “Domestic and Gender-based Violence: Breaking the Silence”, organized by the French Embassy in Kosovo and the UN Women.

Minister Haxhiu meets with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in ...

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, met today with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo, Gerrie Willems, who was accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Peter van der Bloemen, and the senior officer for rule of law at this embassy, Ms. Venera Ramaj.

Minister Haxhiu and Ambassador Kosnett discussed the priorities in the rule of ...

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu met with the Ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Philip S. Kosnett, with whom she discussed the priorities in the field of rule of law and order.

Minister Haxhiu met with the USAID Director, Ms. Magno

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, today met with the USAID Kosovo Mission Director, Lisa Magno, and other members of this program.

Minister Haxhiu and the Head of UNDP, Ms. Suokko, discuss joint justice project...

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, met with the Head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Kosovo, Maria Suokko.

Minister Haxhiu met with Swiss Ambassador, Jean-Hubert Lebet

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, welcomed in an introductory meeting the Swiss Ambassador to Kosovo, Jean-Hubert Lebet.

Minister Haxhiu meets with the French Ambassador, Marie-Christine Butel

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, met with the Ambassador of France in Kosovo, Marie-Christine Butel, with whom they discussed the priorities related to the justice system in the country.

Minister Haxhiu meets with the Croatian Ambassador, Danijela Barišić

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu welcomed the Ambassador of Croatia, Ms. Danijela Barišić.

Ministrja Haxhiu takohet me shefin e ri të EULEX-it, Wigemark, diskutojnë për r...
Prishtinë 18/02/2020

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu ka pritur në takim shefin e ri të EULEX-it, z. Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, me të cilin ka biseduar për çështjet që ndërlidhen me sektorin e drejtësisë si dhe prioritetet gjatë mandatit të saj.

Ministrja Haxhiu takon Ambasadoren Apostolova: Fuqizohet plan-veprimi i përbash...
Prishtinë 13/02/2020

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu, me bashkëpunëtorët e saj, Nazlie Bala dhe Blerim Sallahu, ka pritur sot në takim Shefen e Zyrës së BE-së në Kosovë, Nataliya Apostolova me bashkëpunëtorë, z. Riccardo Serri, Cezary Michalczuk, Julia Jacoby dhe Aferdita Smajli, të cilët i uruan suksese ministres Haxhiu në detyrën e re.

Minister Haxhiu meets with German Ambassador Heldt to talk about the priorities...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, met with the German Ambassador to Kosovo, Mr. Christian Heldt, with whom she discussed the short- and long-term priorities of the Ministry of Justice.

Ministrja Haxhiu takohet me drejtoreshën Feride Rushiti, dakordohen për bashkëp...

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Albulena Haxhiu, sot është takuar me drejtoreshën ekzekutive të Qendrës Kosovare për Rehabilitimin e të Mbijetuarve të Torturës, Feride Rushiti me të cilën ka diskutuar për bashkëpunimin në mes të Ministrisë së Drejtësisë dhe QKRMT-së.

Minister Tahiri: Ministry of Justice has made substantial progress in efficient...

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, participated at the roundtable presenting the project “Database of Domestic Violence Cases”, implemented by the Office of the National Coordinator for Protection from Domestic Violence, which functions within the Ministry of Justice.

Sinjalizuesit e korrupsionit

Dokumentari "Sinjalizuesit e korrupsionit" nga emisioni Betimi për Drejtësi, mbështetur nga Ambasada Amerikane në Prishtinë.

Minister Tahiri: 20 years of Kosovo Correctional Service, commitment to law and...

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, participated in the marking of the 20th anniversary of the Kosovo Correctional Service, where he stated that this executive agency of the MoJ was among the first pillars of security in post-war Kosovo.

Deklaratë nga Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri

Ministri Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri sot ka deklaruar se emërimi i noterëve të rinj do të marrë epilog legjitim në harmoni të plotë me ligjin dhe në partneritet të plotë me Oden e Noterëve të Republikës së Kosovës.

Thellohet bashkëpunimi në mes të Avokaturës Shtetërore dhe Gjykatës  Themelore ...

Avokati i Përgjithshëm Shtetëror, Sami Istrefi, është takuar me kryetarin e Gjykatës Themelore në Pejë, Sami Sharaxhiu, me të cilin ka biseduar për çështjet juridike të kompensimit të pronave të qytetarëve të Pejës.

Avokatura Shtetërore dhe Këshilli Gjyqësor bashkërendojnë aktivitetet me qëllim...

Avokati i Përgjithshëm Shtetëror, z. Sami Istrefi së bashku me znj. Ilire Tasholli Aydogan, Avokate Shtetërore, kanë mbajturi një takim me zëvendës kryetare e Këshillit Gjyqësorë të Republikës së Kosovës, Makifete  Sliuka si dhe Armend Berisha, anëtarë i Këshillit Gjyqësorë.

Ministri Tahiri: Drejtësia nuk do t’i amnistoj personat që keqpërdorin pozitën ...

Ministri Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, sot ka kërkuar nga autoritetet polake arrestimin e përkohshëm të një shtetasi kosovar me qëllim të ekstradimit në Republikën e Kosovës, nën dyshimin për kryerjen e veprës penale: “Keqpërdorim i pozitës apo autoritetit zyrtar”.

Ministri Tahiri: 74 fëmijë shqiptarë i kemi nxjerrë nga tmerri i luftës në Siri...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, uron të gjithë nxënësit në fillimin e vitit të ri shkollor 2019/2020, në veçanti fëmijët që në fillim të këtij viti u riatdhesuan nga Siria. Deklarata e plotë e ministrit Tahiri:

Ministri Tahiri: BE t'i bëjë presion Serbisë për të zhdukurit, për të mbyllur k...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, në Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Personave të Zhdukur, ka kërkuar edhe njëherë nga Bashkimi Evropian që t'i bëjë presion Serbisë për të zbardhur fatin e personave të zhdukur nga lufta e Kosovës

Ministri Tahiri: Nuk do të lejoj që Kosova të jetë strehë e kriminelëve

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri njofton për realizimin e suksesshëm të ekstradimit të një personi të dyshuar për vrasje të rëndë në Gjermani. Përmes kësaj deklarate, ministri Tahiri ka vlerësuar se Kosova nuk është dhe nuk do të jetë vend i sigurt dhe strehë për kriminelët.

Ministri Tahiri: Jemi të vendosur për konfiskimin e secilës pasuri të fituar me...

“Si shoqëri ne ende kemi sfida që burojnë nga korrupsioni dhe krimi i organizuar. Përgjigjja më e mirë ndaj këtyre dukurive, përveç ndjekjes penale, është edhe konfiskimi i çdo pasurie të fituar me krim dhe korrupsion, nga gjësendet e imta deri tek asetet multimilonëshe. Ne do ta bëjmë ligjin e ri për konfiskimin e pasurisë armë kryesore kundër korrupsionit e krimit të organizuar. Zbatimi i këtij ligji duhet të marrë karakter të fuqishëm dhe për këtë, prokurorët dhe gjyqtarët që shërbejnë në sistemin e drejtësisë po përgatiten e duhet të përgatiten edhe më tej” ka thënë ministri Tahiri.

Ministri Tahiri: Do të kujdesemi që Lugina e Preshevës mos të mbetet luginë e d...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri ka pritur në takim kryetarin Këshillit Nacional të Shqiptarëve në Luginë të Preshevës, Ragmi Mustafa.

Ministri Tahiri kërkon lirimin e Morinës:  Serbia të ndalë praktikën e përndjek...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, i është drejtuar me letër Ministres së Drejtësisë të Maqedonisë së Veriut, Renata Deskoska, nga e cila ka kërkuar lirimin e Tomorr Morinës. Përmes kësaj deklarate për media, ministrit Tahiri bënë të ditur se ka kërkuar shqyrtimin e aspekteve ligjore dhe rrethanave të tjera për lirimin e z. Morina, i cili u arrestua në territorin e Maqedonisë së Veriut më 24 korrik sipas urdhër-arrestit ndërkombëtar të lëshuar nga autoritetet e Serbisë.

Ministri në detyrë Tahiri: Qeveria e dorëhequr, zgjedhjet e pashmangshme

Ministri në detyrë i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri ka reaguar ndaj raportimit në disa media për prononcimin e tij gjatë mbledhjes së sotme të kabinetit të dorëhequr qeveritar, duke e cilësuar interpretimet e disa mediave si keqinterpretime të diskutimit të tij gjatë kësaj mbledhje.

Ministri Tahiri: Qasja në drejtësi imperativ i patjetërsueshëm- Së shpejti nis ...
Prishtinë 12/07/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri ka mbajtur sot një konferencë për shtyp, së bashku me dy anëtarë të komisionit për provimin e Noterisë, në të cilën ka sqaruar për opinionin publik rrjedhën e organizimit dhe mbajtjes së provimit të Noterisë.

Minister Tahiri hosts in an introductory meeting the UNDP Resident  Representat...
Prishtinë 12/07/2019

Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today hosted the UNDP Resident Representative in Kosovo, Ms. Maria Suokko, whom he congratulated on her new appointment, and informed her on the developments and results in the area of rule of law.

Ministri Tahiri: Kosova, anëtare e besueshme e Bashkimit Evropian në luftën kun...
Prishtinë 03/07/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri ka pritur sot në takim delegacionin e ekspertëve të Bashkimit Evropian, që po qëndrojnë në vizitë në Kosovë për të diskutuar veprimet e Kosovës në zbatimin Planit të Përbashkët kundër Terrorizmit për Ballkanin Perëndimor.

Ministri Tahiri: Lufta kundër korrupsionit dhe krimit të organizuar nga sot ka ...
Prishtinë 01/07/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri vlerëson si hap jashtëzakonisht të rëndësishëm funksionalizimin e Departamentit Special pranë Gjykatës Themelore dhe Gjykatë së Apelit në Prishtinë.

Održava se sledeći sastanak Odbora
Prishtinë 21/06/2019

Odbor agende "Pravda 2020", kojim predsedava ministar pravde, Abelard Tahiri, i koju čine predsedavajući Kosovskog sudskog saveta, Skender Çoçaj i predsedavajući Tužilačkog saveta Kosova, Bahri Hyseni, održali su danas sledeći sastanku.

Ministar Tahiri: Kosova ima političku obavezu i veliki interes da se brine o Al...
Bujanoc 20/06/2019

Ministar pravde, Abelard Tahiri, na poziv gradonačelnika Bujanovca, Šaip Kamberi prisustvovao je danas ceremoniji inauguracije osnovne škole u selu Samolica ove opštine. Radovi u ovoj školi izvršeni su sredstvima koje je izdvojila Vlada Republike Kosova, uz predlog koji je dao ministar Tahiri.

Ministar Tahiri je odobrio operaciju lokalnih i nemačkih organa protiv organizo...
Prishtinë 19/06/2019

Ministar pravde, Abelard Tahiri, pod ovlašćenjima zakona za međunarodnu pravnu saradnju u oblasti krivičnog prava, odobrio je zajedničku operaciju lokalnih i nemačkih vlasti protiv organizovanog kriminala.

Ministar Tahiri: Pismo Predsednika Trump istorijski čin za odnose između dve ze...
Prishtinë 18/06/2019

Ministar pravde, Abelard Tahiri, preko visokih američkih državnih zvaničnika, primio je pismo koje je potpisao američki predsednik Donald Trump, kojom se potvrđuje stupanje na snagu Sporazuma o izručenju između Kosova i SAD.

Ministar Tahiri: Funkcionalizacija Specijalne komore deblokira 20 procenat hilj...
Prishtinë 18/06/2019

Ministar pravde, Abelar Tahiri, zajedno sa predsedavajućim Sudskog saveta Kosova, Skenderom Çoçaj, posetio je danas Specijalnu komoru Vrhovnog suda, gde su primljeni od predsednika ovog veća Sahit Silejmanija i predsednika Vrhovnog suda Enver Peci.

Minister Tahiri: The rule of law is getting the right approach and direction
Prishtinë 17/06/2019

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelar Tahiri, held a meeting with the ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions of European Union countries, whom he informed about the measures that the Ministry of Justice is undertaking in addressing the findings of the European Commission’s Country Report.

The protocol to the Treaty on Extradition between Kosovo and the US signed
Prishtinë 13/06/2019

Minister Tahiri emphasized that this signing marks a historic occasion for bilateral relations between the two countries in the field of legal cooperation. The treaty reflects the new reality in the Balkans, said Minister Tahiri. According to him, this agreement further strengthens the rule of law and subjectivity of Kosovo, making it a reliable partner in the fight against transnational crime.

Ministria e Drejtësisë organizon trajnimin për provimin e noterisë

Më datën 10 qershor 2019, duke filluar nga ora 10:00 deri në ora 16:00, do të mbahet trajnimi një ditor për provimin e noterisë, i organizuar nga Ministria e Drejtësisë.

Ministri Tahiri: Raporti i Vendit vlerëson arritjet në politikat e drejtësisë

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, përmes një deklarate për media, ka shpreh konsideratën për vlerësimin e marrë nga Raporti i vendit i Komisionit Evropian në politikat e sundimit të ligjit.

Ministri Tahiri: Secili përgjegjës për krimet e luftës do të dal para drejtësis...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, pas ekstradimit të një të dyshuari për krime lufte nga Hungaria në Kosovë, ka ritheksuar se barazia para ligjit do të vlejë për të gjithë.

Ministri Tahiri: Sistemi i drejtësisë nuk do të lejojë abuzimin me taksat e qyt...
Prishtinë 16/05/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, mori pjesë në takimin përmbyllës të Projektit të Binjakëzimit “Fuqizimi i Formulimit te Politikave dhe Hartimit të Legjislacionit’’, i menaxhuar nga Zyra e BE-së në Kosovë (ZBE) dhe i realizuar nga Fondacioni Gjerman për Bashkëpunim Juridik Ndërkombëtar (IRZ).

Ministri Tahiri: Vuçiqi i angazhuar për të mohuar dhe fshehur krimet e Milloshe...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri në Ditën për Personat e Zhdukur, ka kërkuar edhe njëherë nga shteti i Serbisë që të hap arkivat e veta dhe të tregoj për fatin e të zhdukurve nga lufta e fundit në Kosovë.

Meeting of the working group on the functioning of the judicial and prosecutori...

Today was held the meeting of the working group consisting of representatives of the judiciary, prosecution, permanent strategic partners, and civil society, chaired by the Ministry of Justice, namely the Permanent Secretary of this Ministry, who is also the leader of the Functional Review process.

Minister Tahiri: Property rights economically empowered women in Kosovo

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, attended the meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the National Strategy on Property Rights.

Minster Tahiri: A second chance for life for children - suspects shall face jus...

Today, at a press conference, the Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri, informed the media and the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo about the operation carried out in the early hours of the morning whereby the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, with the assistance of the United States of America, has returned 110 Kosovo citizens who have been in Syria’s war zones.

Minister Tahiri: Local and foreign businesses will soon have a single address t...
Prishtinë 18/04/2019

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice, which leads the Functional Review of the Rule of Law Sector, a Conference on Commercial Justice was held today, which focused on doing business and the impact of the rule of law in the business environment in general.

Minister Tahiri: Effects of “Justice 2020” measures will change the citizens’ e...

After the third meeting of the “Justice 2020” Board, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, together with the Chair of the Judicial Council, Skender Çoçaj, and the Chair of the Prosecutorial Council, Bahri Hyseni, held a press conference.

Rishikimi Funksional synon forcimin e bazës së sistemit të drejtësisë penale dh...

Nën mbështetjen e Projektit të BE-së dhe Ambasadës Amerikane, Ministria e Drejtësisë ka mbajtur sot një punëtori në kuadër të fazës së dytë të procesit të Rishikimit Funksional për Sektorin e Sundimit të Ligjit.

Ministri Tahiri: Tani e tutje janë në fuqi masat e ashpra kundër korrupsionit
Prishtinë 15/04/2019

Që nga dita e djeshme ka hyrë në fuqi Kodi i ri Penal. Me këtë rast, përmes një deklarate, ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka njoftuar qytetarët për masat e reja dhe ka ftuar ata që të respektojnë ligjin dhe normat sociale mbi të cilat funksionon shoqëria jonë.

Telegram ngushëllimi i Ministrit Tahiri pas ndarjes nga jeta të Fitnete  Ramosa...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri i ka dërguar sot një telegram ngushëllimi familjes Ramosaj, pas ndarjes nga jeta të Fitnete Ramosajt.

Ministri Tahiri falënderoi BE-në për mbështetjen e dhënë për Agjendën
Prishtinë 02/04/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka pritur sot në takim Komandantin e Operacioneve Civile të BE-së, Vincenzo Coppola, i shoqëruar nga shefja e Misionit të Bashkimit Evropian për Sundimin e Ligjit në Kosovë (EULEX), Ambasadorja Alexandra Papadopoulou.

Ministri Tahiri priti në takim Ministren e Drejtësisë së Shqipërisë, znj. Gjona...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri ka pritur sot në takim Ministren e Drejtësisë të Republikës së Shqipërisë, znj. Etilda Gjonaj.

Ministri Tahiri njofton deputetët për zbatimin e Agjendës Evropiane
Prishtinë 20/03/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri ka raportuar sot para Komisionit për Integrime Evropiane në Kuvendin e Kosovës, lidhur me zbatimin e Programit Kombëtar për zbatimin e Marrëveshjes së Stabilizim- Asociimit (PKZMSA) dhe Agjendës për Reforma Evropiane (ERA).

Ministri Tahiri informon ambasadorët e BE-së për zhvillimet në sundimin e ligji...
Prishtinë 19/03/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri ka pasur një takim sot me ambasadorë të vendeve të Bashkimit Evropian, me të cilët ka diskutuar për sundimin e ligjit në Kosovë.

Ministri Tahiri: Kompensimi i Viktimave të Krimit do të avancohet për  të lehtë...
Prishtinë 18/03/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka marrë sot pjesë në takimin Publik për Koncept Dokumentin për Fushën e Kompensimit të Viktimave të Krimit.

Ministri Tahiri: Raporti i DASH shqetësues, me kompetencë të plotë do t’i adres...
Prishtinë 14/03/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, pas publikimit të raportit nga Departamenti Amerikan i Shtetit mbi të drejtat e njeriut në Kosovë (2018), ka shprehur edhe njëherë përkushtimin e tij për të adresuar të gjeturat në raport që bien nën kompetencën e Ministrisë së Drejtësisë, si dhe për të ushtruar pozitën e tij politike me qëllim të avokimit të efikasitetit, stabilitetit dhe respektimit të të drejtave të njeriut, për një Republikë të liruar nga korrupsioni.

Nënshkruhet Memorandum Bashkëpunimi për evidentimin e rasteve të dhunës në fami...
Prishtinë 14/03/2019

Gjatë një ceremonie formale, sot u nënshkrua Memorandumi i Bashkëpunimit për Sistemin e Integruar të Evidentimit të Rasteve të Dhunës në Familje. Memorandumi u nënshkrua mes Ministrisë së Drejtësisë, Ministrisë së Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale, Këshillit Gjyqësor të Kosovës, Këshillit Prokurorial të Kosovës si dhe Policisë së Kosovës.

Ministri Tahiri: Politikat e Ministrisë së Drejtësisë në funksion të forcimit t...
Prishtinë 01/03/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri u takua me delegacionin e Komitetit për Punë të Jashtme të Parlamentit Evropian të udhëhequr nga z. David McAlister, të cilët i informoi me politikat e ndërmarra nga Ministria e Drejtësisë që ndikojnë direkt në forcimin e sundimit të rendit dhe ligjit në Republikën e Kosovës.

Ministri Tahiri: Gjykata Komerciale jetike për të bërit biznes në Kosovë

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka pritur sot në takim drejtoreshën e Misionit të USAID-it në Kosovë, z. Lisa Magno.

Ministri Tahiri: Do të rritet numri i zyrtarëve që do të deklarojnë pasurinë
Prishtinë 19/02/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka pritur sot në takim Këshilltarin e Lartë për Masat Kundër Korrupsionit në Zyrën Qendrore të UNDP-së,​ z. Euy-Whan Kim, me të cilin ka biseduar për përmirësimin e infrastrukturës normative në luftën kundër korrupsionit.

Deklaratë e Ministrit të Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri dënon fuqishëm gjuhën e përdorur në rrjete sociale nga punonjësi i Ministrisë së Drejtësisë dhe distancohet nga kjo gjuhë dhe frymë skandaloze.

Tahiri: “Ata që minojnë integritetin e institucioneve, nuk do të mbesin pa u nd...
Prishtinë 07/02/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka pritur në takim ministrin e Punëve të Brendshme, Ekrem Mustafa, Kryeprokurorin e Shtetit, Aleksandër Lumezi dhe Drejtorin e Përgjithshëm të Policisë së Kosovës, Rashit Qalaj, me të cilët ka biseduar për situatën e fundit në fushën e rendit dhe ligjit si dhe për rastin e abuzimit seksual ndaj të miturës nga Komuna e Drenasit, si një rast që cenon të drejtat themelore të përcaktuara me Kushtetutë dhe legjislacionin në fuqi.

Ministri Tahiri:  Fuqizimi i sundimit të ligjit imponon sektor privat efikas
Prishtinë 07/02/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, në një mëngjes pune, takoi sot anëtarët e Odës Ekonomike Gjermane në Kosovë, me të cilët bisedoi për fuqizimin e sektorit të sundimit të ligjit, me theks të veçantë në krijimin e ambientit të përshtatshëm për të bërit biznes.

Minister Tahiri: The power of criminal groups in business and politics weakens ...
Prishtinë 25/01/2019

Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, together with the Head of EU Office/EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova, and Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksander Lumezi, today have opened the workshop on the new Law on Extended Powers for Confiscation of Assets Acquired by Criminal Offense, supported by the EU project: “Further support to Kosovo institutions in the fight against organized crime, corruption and violent extremism”.

 Ministri Tahiri: Kodi Civil, produkti  më i madh legjislativ pas Kushtetutës
Prishtinë 24/01/2019

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri  së bashku me Shefen e Zyrës së BE-së/ Përfaqësuesja e Posaçme e BE-së në Kosovë,  Nataliya Apostolova,  hapën sot tryezën "Rruga drejt një Kodi Civil modern të Kosovës," organizuar nga projekti i financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian "Mbështetje Kodit Civil - faza 2", i cili po mbështetë Ministrinë e Drejtësisë.

 “Justice 2020” will put an end to the transition of the justice system
Prishtinë 23/01/2019

The end of transition of the justice system, the progress advancement, and the full restoration of citizens’ trust in the rule of law have been the focus of today's debate on the joint Agenda “Justice 2020”, whose Board held its first meeting for this year.

Minister Tahiri: With amendments to the new Criminal Procedure Code no one will...
Prishtinë 14/01/2019

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, held a press conference announcing that the new Criminal Procedure draft code will be part of the agenda of the Government meeting to be held on Tuesday.

Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board (The Board)
Prishtinë 21/11/2018


Minister Tahiri: Justice shall no longer be burden to businesses

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed in a meeting a delegation from the International Monetary Fund, headed by the permanent representative of IMF for Kosovo, Ruud Vermeulen.

Minister Tahiri:
Prishtine 25/10/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed in a meeting a delegation from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, headed by James Gerard, Managing Director of Threshold Program, accompanied by Sarah Olmstead, Director of MCC to Kosovo and the Executive Director of Millennium Foundation Kosovo, Petrit Selimi.

Tahiri: The United States of America, key strategic partners in the fight again...
Prishtinë 19/10/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, welcomed in a meeting the representative of the US State Department, headed by the Ambassador and the Coordinator of Anti-terrorism Office, z. Nathan A. Sales.

Minister Tahiri meets with the President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Mr....
Prishtinë 19/10/2018

The Minister of Justice and Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, today organized a round table as part of the campaign “Justice and Business” launched by Minister Abelard Tahiri. This round table was attended by the businesses of various sectors, representatives of Law Faculty, Chambers and various business Associations, Bar Association, representatives of Economic Department of the Court of Appeals, and experts of this field. This discussion was organized in order to promote the reforms that were initiated as part of the process of the Functional Review of Rule of Law Sector in the field of Commercial Justice.

Minister Tahiri: “Justice 2020”, an opportunity to regain the trust of citizens...
Prishtine 12/10/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed in a joint meeting the Ambassador of Italy to Kosovo, Piero Cristoforo Sardi, and the Ambassador of OSCE to Kosovo, Jan Braathu.

Minister Tahiri: The undertaken reforms prove our will to advance the justice s...
Tiranë 04/10/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, has participated today in the Ministerial Forum EU-The Western Balkans for Justice and Internal Affairs, organized by the Austrian Presidency of the European Council, which will be held in Tirana.

Minister Tahiri participated in the Ministerial Forum EU-The Western Balkans fo...

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today travelled to Tirana, where he will participate in the Ministerial Forum EU-The Western Balkans for Justice and Internal Affairs, organized by the Austrian Presidency of the European Council.

Tahiri seeks support of German counterpart in the integration agenda and visa l...

Prishtina, 19/09/2018 – The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri is staying for an official visit in Germany, upon the invitation of the Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection, Ms. Katarina Barley.

Delay in the adoption of laws against corruption is amnesty for the crime and i...

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed in a meeting the Director of Anti-Corruption Agency, Shaip Havolli, with whom he discussed the Packages of Laws against Corruption.

Në Ditën Ndërkombëtare për Persona të Zhdukur, Ministri Tahiri kërkon nga homol...
Prishtinë 30/08/2018

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, në Ditën Ndërkombëtare për Persona të Zhdukur, iu është drejtuar me një letër Ministrave të Drejtësisë të shteteve anëtare të Bashkimit Evropian, nga të cilët ka kërkuar angazhim konkret në zbardhjen e fatit të të zhdukurve.

Ministri Tahiri: Ata që kanë neglizhuar detyrën për ofrimin e sigurisë së të nd...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka shprehur shqetësimet e thella rreth ngjarjes së rëndë e cila ka ndodhur dje në Gjakovë, ku viktima të një vrasje janë një nënë dhe vajza e saj.

Minister Tahiri: The new draft law will increase the efficiency of prosecutors ...
Prishtinë 24/07/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, together with the Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi, have visited today the Special Prosecution Office, and they were welcomed in a meeting by the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution Office, Reshat Millaku.

Minister Tahiri: The positive report from EC is a motivation for efficient judi...

Prishtina, 19/07/2018 – The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, in the company of chair of the Kosovo Judicial Council Kosovës, Nehat Idrizi and president of the Supreme Court, Enver Peci, today visited the Basic Court in Prishtina, and they were welcomed at a meeting by the president of this Court, Afërdita Bytyçi.

Sqarim nga Ministria e Drejtësisë

Ministria e Drejtësisë sqaron opinionin publik sa i përket disa shkrimeve të ditëve të fundit lidhur me Projektligjin për Dhomën e Posaçme të Gjykatës Supreme. Pretendimet se Projektligji në fjalë privon palët nga shkallshmëria e ankesës janë tërësisht të pabazuara.

Minister Tahiri: Through the support of the United Kingdom, we will strengthen ...

The Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri today met with the General Director for Political Affairs of the UK Foreign Office, Mr. Richard Moore, Head of respective office for Kosovo in the Foreign Office, Ms.Catherine Barnes, and British Ambassador, Mr. Ruairi O’Connell.

Minister Tahiri: The new civil code shall make Kosovo accessible, reliable and ...

Prishtinë, 26/06/2018, - The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, along with the Head of EU Office/Special Representative of the European Union in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova, today participated at the round table of the informative campaign “A modern civil code stands for diversity and opportunity”.

Zëvendësministri Qelaj vizitoi Malin e Zi

Podgoricë, 14 qershor 2018- Zëvendësministri i Drejtësisë, Naim Qelaj, në cilësinë e Koordinatorit Nacional Kundër Dhunës në Familje, më 12 dhe 13 qershor ka realizuar një vizitë pune në Republikën e Malit të Zi.

Ministri Tahiri: Nuk do të tolerohen zyrtarët publik e politik që abuzuan me pu...

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, në një konferencë për media, ka prezantuar ndryshimet kryesore në Projektligjin e ri për Kompetencat e Zgjeruara për Konfiskimin e Pasurisë.

Minister Tahiri met with the civil society regarding the Law on Extended Powers...

Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today met with the representative of civil society, with whom he discussed about the new Draft Law on the Extended Powers for the Confiscation of Assets.

Zëvendësministri Qelaj uron të gjithë fëmijët me rastin e 1 qershorit ditës ndë...
Prishtinë 01/06/2018

Zëvendësministri i Drejtësisë, njëherit Koordinatori Nacional Kundër Dhunës në Familje, z. Naim Qelaj, me rastin e 1 qershorit ditës ndërkombëtare të fëmijës ka drejtuar një urim për gjithë fëmijëve për ditën e tyre, duke shprehur përkushtimin institucional të Republikës së Kosovës për të siguruar për të gjithë fëmijët jetë më dinjitet, siguri, shkollim e edukim, perspektivë dhe garanci për të ardhmen .

Tahiri: Strengthening of rule of law, fundamental precondition for economic dev...
Mitrovicë 22/05/2018

Mitrovica, 22/05/2018, - The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, continued today the campaign “Justice and business” in Mitrovica, which is organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency respectively, Kosovo Chamber of Commerce and American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo.

Minister Tahiri: Reforms in justice will improve the services toward citizens
Prishtinë 17/05/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today met with the delegation of MCC in Washington, accompanied by the Executive Director of Millennium Foundation Kosovo, Petrit Selimi.

Ministri Tahiri takoi delegacionin nga Komisioni Evropian, të ngarkuar me vlerë...
Prishtinë 04/05/2018

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka takuar sot delegacionin e Komisionit Evropian, të udhëhequr nga Simon Mordue, zëvendësdrejtor gjeneral në Drejtorinë e Përgjithshme për Migrim, Punë të Brendshme dhe Shtetësi,  të cilët kanë mision të bëjnë vlerësimin e përmbushjes së kriterit për luftë kundër krimit të organizuar dhe korrupsionit.

Ministri Tahiri u prit në takim nga  Avokati i Popullit, z. Hilmi Jashari
Prishtinë 23/04/2018

Ministri i Drejtësisë, Abelard Tahiri, ka vizituar sot Institucionin e Avokatit të Popullit, ku është pritur nga Avokati i Popullit, z. Hilmi Jashari.

Ministar Tahiri: Biznisi, partneri u jačanju vladavine prava
Pejë 20/04/2018

Ministar Pravde Abelard Tahiri u sklopu kampanje “Pravde i biznisi” koja se organizuje u saradnji sa Ministarstvom Trgovine i Industrije, odnosno Agencijom za Investicije i Podršku Preduzeća na Kosovu, danas se sastao sa biznismenima iz regiona Peći

Minister Tahiri meets with the Norwegian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs...
Prishtinë, Kosovë 17/04/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed at a meeting the Norwegian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Audun Halvorsen.

Minister Tahiri is committed to create easier access of businesses to justice
Prishtinë 11/04/2018

Prizen, 11/04/2018, - The Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, with Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency (KIESA) respectively, today in Prizren continued the campaign “Justice and business”, at a round table with many representatives of businesses from this region.

The Ministry of Justice today launched the campaign
Ferizaj 27/03/2018

Ferizaj, 27/03/2018, - The Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Industry, with Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency (KIESA) respectively, today in Ferizaj launched the campaign “Justice and business”.

Minister Tahiri meets with the members of the Bar Exam Commission

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed at a meeting the members of the Bar Exam Commission.

The National Database of the Survivors of Domestic Violence and Violence agains...
Prishtinë 12/03/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed at a meeting the representatives of the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and Strengthening of Women, UN Women, Flora Macula and Linda Sanaja.

Minister Tahiri guarantees fair and transparent process in the appointment of t...

Prishtina, 08/03/2018, - Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, together with the head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Alexandra Papadopoulou and the British ambassador to Kosovo, Ruari O'Connell, visited today the Institute of Forensic Medicine.

Minister Tahiri: Kosovo, the only country in the Western Balkans to compensate ...
Prishtinë 22/02/2018

Today, thus marking the European Day for Victims of Crime, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, hosted the members of the Committee on Crime Victim Compensation.

Minister Tahiri: A proper justice system begins with the education of youth

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed at a meeting the Deans of the Law Faculties of Public Universities, Haxhi Gashi from University “Hasan Prishtina” in Prishtina, Arif Riza from University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren, Gjylbehare Muratin from University “Haxhi Zeka” in Peja, Agron Beka from University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica, and Sadik Haxhiu from University “Kadri Zeka” in Gjilan.

Minister Tahiri welcomes at a meeting the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Rep...

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today welcomed at a meeting the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Turkey, Bilal Uçar.

The first introductory meeting of the Steering Committee on the Functional Revi...
Prishtinë 30/01/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, hosted today at an introductory meeting the members of the Steering Committee on the Functional Review of the Rule of Law Sector.

Minister Tahiri ensures support for the professionalism of Correctional Centers
Gjilan 12/01/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, today visited the Detention Center in Gjilan, and he was welcomed by the director of this center, Shefik Sylejmani.

Citizens expect greater commitment of Courts and staff after the salaries are d...
Prishtinë 11/01/2018

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, accompanied by the chair of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Nehat Idrizi, visited the Basic Court in Prizren, and they were welcomed by the president of this court, Ymer Hoxha.

Justice, basic precondition that enables life with dignity
Prishtinë 05/01/2018

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, together with the Ministry of Public Administration, Mahir Yagcilar and chairs of two councils, Kosovo Judicial Council and Prosecutorial Council, inaugurated the new premise of the Detention Center in Prishtina.

Meeting of the Joint Rule of law Coordination Board held in Pristina
Prishtinë 12/12/2017

Today, the Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board held its regular meeting that was organized for the first time by the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) and chaired by the Chair of the KPC, Mr. Blerim Isufaj.

Minister Tahiri met Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency
Prishtinë 04/12/2017

Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri met today with the Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Shaip Havolli, with whom they talked about institutional cooperation in the fight against corruption.

Minister Tahiri devoted to increasing security in prisons
Prishtinë 01/12/2017

Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri has visited today the High Security Prison, where he has closely watched the functioning, management and respect of prisoners’ rights. Minister Tahiri expressed his satisfaction with the work at this center, and has promised even greater support in the future.

Two agreements with Hungary are signed
Prishtinë 24/11/2017

Today, Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri met the Minister of Justice of Hungary, László Trócsányi, with whom he signed two agreements on international legal cooperation and assistance between the two countries in the field of justice, namely: “Treaty on the Extradition” and “Treaty on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons”.

Minister Tahiri met Ambassador of Finland in Kosovo, Anne Huhtamaki
Prishtinë 22/11/2017

Today, Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri met the Ambassador of Finland in Kosovo, Anne Huhtamaki, with whom they talked about the priorities of the Ministry of Justice, legislative reforms and the fulfillment of the European Reform Agenda.

Minister Tahiri met Ambassador of Slovenia in Kosovo, Bojan Bertoncelj
Prishtinë 21/11/2017

Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri met today the Ambassador of Slovenia in Kosovo, Bojan Bertoncelj. He informed Ambassador Bertoncelj about the legislative reforms in the criminal and civil matters, aimed at strengthening the rule of law and access to justice for all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.

Minister Tahiri met Swiss Ambassador, Jean-Hubert Lebert
Prishtinë 14/11/2017

Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri met today with the Ambassador of Switzerland in Kosovo, Jean-Hubert Lebert, with whom they discussed the priorities in the justice sector, legislative reform, with special emphasis on advancing the legal framework in criminal and civil matters.

Minister Tahiri and Minister Sefaj met the British Minister of State for Europe...
Prishtinë 08/11/2017

Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, together with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Flamur Sefaj, met the British Minister of State for Europe and the Americas, Sir Alan Duncan, with whom they discussed the progress of the reforms in the justice system, the challenges, achievements and strategic orientations in this sector.

Minister Tahiri met OSCE Ambassador Jan Braathu
Prishtinë 06/11/2017

Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri met the Ambassador of OSCE, Jan Braathu, with whom they discussed the progress of reforms in the justice system, challenges, achievements and strategic orientations in this sector.

Minister Tahiri presented the Strategic Development Plan of the Ministry of Jus...
Prishtinë 04/11/2017

Minister Tahiri Abelard Tahiri held a press conference, in which he presented the Strategic Development Plan of the Ministry of Justice, 2018-2021.

Minister Tahiri visited the Basic Court of Prishtina
Prishtinë 03/11/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, together with the Judicial Council Chair, Mr. Nehat Idrizi, and the Prosecutorial Council Chair, Mr. Blerim Isufaj, visited the Basic Court of Prishtina.

Minister Tahiri hosted the Director of Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, Bekim Bl...

Today, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Kosovo, Abelard Tahiri, hosted the Director of the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo (HLC Kosovo), Bekim Blakaj, and the coordinator of the project “Monitoring war crime trials and ethnically and politically motivated crimes”, Anka Kurteshi.

Minister Tahiri held bilateral meetings with counterparts from the region
Prishtinë 27/10/2017

On the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans Forum on Justice and Home Affairs, Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri held bilateral meetings with the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Albania, Etilda Gjonaj, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, Bilen Saliji, as well as with the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Montenegro, Zoran Pazin.

Minister Tahiri visits the Municipality of Bujanovac
Prishtinë 18/10/2017

Minister of Justice Abelard Tahiri, accompanied by Ambassador Valdet Sadiku, visited the Municipality of Bujanovac where they met with the Mayor of this municipality, Shaip Kamberi.

Minister Tahiri met with the representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs of ...
Prishtinë 06/10/2017

The Minister of Justice, Mr Abelard Tahiri, hosted the representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the United Kingdom, Mr Richard Riley, accompanied by the British Ambassador to Kosovo, Mr Ruairi O'Connell.

Minister Tahiri met the ICITAP Program Manager in Kosovo, Ms Kimberly Riffe
Prishtinë 05/10/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, met with ICITAP Program Manager in Kosovo, Ms Kimberly Riffe, with wich he discussed ICITAP programs aimed at advancing standards in the Kosovo Correctional Service.

Minister Tahiri hosted the meeting with Turkey’s General Prosecutor, Akarca
Prishtinë 04/10/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Mr Abelard Tahiri together with the Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi met with a delegation of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Turkey, led by the General Prosecutor of the Republic of Turkey, Mehmet Akarca, accompanied by the Turkish Ambassador in Kosovo, Kivilcim Kiliç.

Press Release
Prishtinë 02/10/2017

The Ministry of Justice, through this press release, informs the public that, based on its legal mandate, has taken the necessary measures to enable independent and uninfluenced investigation with regard to the latest case of escape from UCCK of a person convicted at the Dubrava Correctional Center.

Meeting of the Joint Rule of law Coordination Board held in Pristina
Prishtinë 26/09/2017

Today, the Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board held its regular meeting that was organized for the first time by the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) and chaired by the KJC Chairman, Mr. Nehat Idrizi.

The Work of the Working Group on Criminal Law Review (Criminal Code and Crimina...
Prishtinë 22/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, attended the workshop of the working group on Criminal Justice Review (Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code).

Minister Tahiri met the USAID Kosovo Mission Director, Mr James Hope
Prishtinë 21/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Mr Abelard Tahiri, hosted the USAID Kosovo Mission Director, James Hope. Minister Tahiri and Mr Hope informed each other of their priorities and programs aimed at strengthening the justice sector in Kosovo.

The two-day workshop on “The Management of Sequestered and Confiscated Assets” ...
Prishtinë 20/09/2017

Ensuring that criminals are deprived of the possibility to enjoy the wealth they illegally gain is vital in disrupting criminal activity in the Balkan region. Identifying, freezing and seizing assets obtained through criminal activity is the first step. Having an effective system of criminal asset management which preserves the value of the houses, companies, cars, jewelry and other luxury items which the authorities seize from suspect criminals is therefore vital part of the asset recovery chain. This work is highly technical in nature and regularly requires a transnational approach. The Balkans has placed enormous importance on the role that cross-border professional relationships play in the successful pursuit, management and confiscation of the illegal assets that are controlled by international organized crime and by corrupt public officials.

Minister Tahiri: The budget for the KJC to be increased
Prishtinë 20/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Mr Abelard Tahiri, met with the Chair of Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC), Nehat Idrizi. Mr Idrizi informed Minister Tahiri on the challenges the justice sector is facing, the KJC's priorities, and emphasized his commitment in increasing the efficiency of the Courts' performance nationwide. Minister Tahiri, on his part, offered full support to the KJC in exercising the constitutional and legal mandate in a fully independent manner.

Minister Tahiri met the Head of Mission of the International Committee of the R...
Prishtinë 20/09/2017

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, hosted the Head of Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Kosovo, Mr Agim Gashi, who informed Minister Tahiri on ICRC engagements, in particular the issue of missing persons.

Minister Tahiri hosted the representatives of the Millennium Challenge Corporat...
Prishtinë 20/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, hosted the representatives of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, led by the Country Team Lead for Kosovo, Sarah Olmstead, and National Coordinator, Petrit Selimi.

Minister Tahiri hosted the President of Kosovo Bar Association, Mr Osman Havoll...
Prishtinë 19/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, hosted the President of Kosovo Bar Association, Mr Osman Havolli. In this meeting, Minister Tahiri was closely introduced to the demands and challenges that this institution faces. Minister Tahiri said that he will engage in deepening the cooperation and coordination of activities.

Minister Tahiri hosted the UNDP representative in Kosovo, Mr Andrew Russell
Prishtinë 19/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, hosted the UNDP representative in Kosovo, Mr Andrew Russell. In this meeting, the parties expressed their willingness to deepen mutual co-operation, particularly in the field of justice.

Minister Tahiri hosted the British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ruairi O'Connell
Prishtinë 18/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Mr Abelard Tahiri, met with the British Ambassador to Kosovo, Mr Ruairi O'Connell, who congratulated Minister Tahiri on his new office.

Minister Tahiri hosted the Ambassador of Turkey to Kosovo, Ms Kiliç
Prishtinë 18/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Mr Abelard Tahiri, hosted the Ambassador of Turkey to Kosovo, Ms Kivilcim Kiliç. Ambassador Kilic first congratulated Minister Tahiri on his new office and at the same time reaffirmed the support of Turkey in the future.

The two-day workshop on “The Management of Seized and Confiscated Assets” has s...
Prishtinë 18/09/2017

Today has started the two-day workshop of the second meeting of the BARIN network on “Management of Seized and Confiscated Assets”, organized by TAIEX in co-operation with the Agency for Managing of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets, where representatives from Macedonia, Albania, Slovenia, Montenegro, and Croatia are participating.

Educational-Correctional Center for Juveniles Inaugurated
Prishtinë 15/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Mr Abelard Tahiri, attended the inauguration of the Educational-Correctional Center for Juveniles in Lipjan, which is considered to be a second chance for young offenders. In this ceremony, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, said that he feels honored that his first activity as a Minister is the inauguration of this center.

The monograph
Prishtinë 14/09/2017

Today, in the premises of the National Library of Kosovo was promoted the monograph “Reçak Massacre - Crime against Humanity” by a group of authors, published in two separate books in Albanian and English by the War Crimes Research Institute.

Minister Tahiri hosted in a meeting the Head of the European Union Rule of Law ...
Prishtinë 13/09/2017

The Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, hosted in an introductory meeting the Head of Mission of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Ms. Alexandra Papadopoulou. In the meeting, Mr. Tahiri and Ms. Papadopoulou discussed the importance of continuous support between the Ministry of Justice and EULEX.

Minister Tahiri met the Head of the European Union Office, Ms. Apostolova
Prishtinë 13/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, met the head of the European Union Office, namely the EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova.

Minister Tahiri hosted in a meeting the US Ambassador Greg Delawie
Prishtinë 12/09/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Mr Abelard Tahiri, hosted in an introductory meeting the US Ambassador, Greg Delawie. In the meeting, Mr. Tahiri thanked Ambassador Delawie for the cooperation and support offered by the US Embassy in Kosovo, particularly in strengthening the rule of law.

Dhurata Hoxha hands over office to the new Minister, Abelard Tahiri
Prishtinë 11/09/2017

Today, the outgoing Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha handed over office to the newly appointed Minister, Abelard Tahiri, to whom she wished success and offered cooperation in the future.

Minister Hoxha: Perpetrators of war crimes against Kosovo citizens to be punish...
Prishtinë 25/08/2017

Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, today hosted the Senior Advisor to the Office of Global Criminal Justice with its seat in Washington, Ari Bassin, and discussed the war crimes issue.

Acting Director General of Kosovo Correctional Service, Sokol Zogaj, brutally a...
Prishtinë 16/08/2017

Today, at around 07:00 am, the acting Director of the Kosovo Correctional Service, Mr Sokol Zogaj, while leaving his residence in Prishtina was brutally attacked by unknown persons so far.

Minister Hoxha met Iowa deans, Wing and Ross
Prishtinë 19/07/2017

Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, today hosted the Deans of the University of Iowa, Law and Human Rights Experts, Ms. Adrien Katherine Wing and Mr. Christopher Rossi, and on this occasion discussed the possibility of cooperation and partnership between both countries in the field of justice.

The Ministry of Justice and the US Embassy organized a roundtable on crime vict...
Prishtinë 18/07/2017

In the framework of the awareness raising activities on the issue of crime victim compensation, the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the United States Embassy in Prishtina, organized a roundtable consisting of judges, prosecutors, and victims’ advocates.

Deputy Minister Basha attended the Inter-Municipal Roundtable on the Strategy f...
Prishtinë 18/07/2017

Today, Deputy Minister of Justice, Munir Basha, attended the Inter-Municipal Roundtable for the presentation of the Strategy for Protection against Domestic Violence and Action Plan for 2016-2020, organized by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. The meeting was attended by Ms. Irene Scinto, Officer for Human Rights and Democratization, OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ms. Lumnije Shllaku, the Municipal Office for Gender Equality, the Municipality of Gjakova, as well as representatives of municipal centres for social work, etc.

Minister Hoxha signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kosova Rehabilitat...
Prishtinë 12/07/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, had a meeting with the Executive Director of the Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims (KRCT), Feride Rushiti. They signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a view to increase the cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and the Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims (KRCT).

Minister Hoxha signs Memorandum of Understanding with Caritas Kosova
Prishtinë 10/07/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, met with the Director General of Caritas Kosova, Don Viktor Sopi, to establish cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and Caritas Kosova, and signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Ministry of Justice committed to transparency, requests the cancellation of...
Prishtinë 30/06/2017

The public opinion is hereby notified that the Ministry of Justice requested from the Ministry of Public Administration to announce the job vacancy for the Director of the Correctional Service, as determined by the relevant provisions of the legislation in force on the appointment of senior management posts within the civil service.

Minister Hoxha hosts the Bavarian State parliamentarians
Prishtinë 29/06/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, hosted a delegation from the Bavarian State Parliament headed by Mrs Sylvia Stierstorfer, member of this parliament.

Minister Hoxha met with a delegation of the High Council of Justice of Albania
Prishtinë 02/06/2017

Minister Hoxha initially welcomed the delegation and informed them about the activities of the Ministry of Justice, especially regarding the process of reviewing the rule of law sector as well as the process of reviewing the legislation on disciplinary liability for judges and prosecutors.

Deputy Minister Dushi meets the representatives of the organization “The Cries ...
Prishtinë 30/05/2017

Today, Deputy Minister of Justice, Florian Dushi, met the representatives of the Organization "The Cries of the Mothers". He told the attendees that the Ministry of Justice has resumed the entry of data in the AMPM Missing Persons Database, which functions within the Office of the Prime Minister, and that hard work has been done on drafting the Strategy on the Field of Forensic Medicine, wherein the issue of missing persons is of primary importance.

Deputy Minister Basha: Serbian crimes in Kosovo need to be shed light on and pe...
Prishtinë 30/05/2017

Deputy Minister of Justice, Munir Basha, attended the promotion of three publications of the Institute for War Crimes Research in Kosovo: the publication of Prof. Fejaz Drançolli, Destroyed Heritage in Kosova 1998-99, Mr. sc. Fetnete Ramosaj, Against Forgetfulness - Serbian Genocide in Kosova 1998-1999, and Mr. sc. Baki Svirca, Destruction and Plunder of Kosova’s Archive Fund from Serbia, before and during the 1998-1999 war.

Minister Hoxha: Notary Service is a major positive contributor to the justice s...
Prishtinë 27/05/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended the ceremony and delivered a welcome speech commemorating the fifth anniversary of the notary service in Kosovo.

Minister Hoxha: Mediation now extends to the north of the country
Prishtinë 26/05/2017

Today in a solemn ceremony the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, has awarded with mediation certificates 17 mediators of Mitrovica Region, 14 of which were Serbs and Bosniaks who will work in north municipalities.

Minister Hoxha: Notary contributes to improving the lives of citizens
Prishtinë 26/05/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, hosted the President of the International Union of Notaries, Marqueno Jose de Lano, Vice President Lucini, President of the Kosovo Chamber of Notaries, Ms. Arbena Shehu, as well as Fatmir Halimi.

Minister Hoxha: Drafting of Kosovo Civil Code in line with European practices a...
Prishtinë 25/05/2017

Today, Minister of Justice Dhurata Hoxha together with prof. Iset Morina presented the beginning of drafting the Civil Code. Minister Hoxha stated that the priority of the Ministry of Justice is the codification of the civil law.

Minister Hoxha: Justice for Crime Victims
Prishtinë 22/05/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended the launch of the “Crime Victim Compensation Program”, an event organized by the Ministry of Justice and supported by the United States Embassy in Kosovo.

Minister Hoxha: Crime victims to be compensated as soon as possible
Prishtinë 19/05/2017

The Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, held a kickoff meeting with the Victim Compensation Commission.

Deputy Minister Basha: Committed to zero tolerance against domestic violence
Prishtinë 19/05/2017

Deputy Minister of Justice, Munir Basha, attended the first UN Women and EU program meeting on "Ending violence against women in the Western Balkan Countries and Turkey, implementing norms, changing minds" and expressed his commitment to zero tolerance against domestic violence.

Minister Hoxha: The role of women in justice should be increased
Prishtinë 19/05/2017

Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended the Regional Conference on Women Judges and Prosecutors, where she discussed issues involving women-focused engagement, emphasising that the women’s role in justice will be increased.

Minister Hoxha: Assessment of international assistance in justice means commitm...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended the Conference on “Increasing the quality and the effects of foreign donations”, wherein findings and recommendations from project and program evaluation of foreign donors in the justice sector were presented.

EU Office, EULEX, and KPC support the Ministry of Justice’s Draft Law on Discip...
Prishtinë 11/05/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, chaired the meeting of the Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board (JRCB), attended by the Head of the EU Office, Nataliya Apostolova, Head of EULEX Mission, Alexandra Papadopoulou, Chair of the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC), Nehat Idrizi, Chair of Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC), Blerim Isufi, and officials of other institutions of the rule of law sector.

Ministry of Justice committed to transparency and strengthening the independenc...
Prishtinë 04/05/2017

Today, at the Ministry of Justice, in the presence of the media, Mr Robert Muharremi, adviser, presented and explained the Draft Law on Disciplinary Liability of Judges and Prosecutors.

 Deputy Minister Munir Basha: Fighting corruption and crime - a prerequisite fo...
Prishtinë 03/05/2017

Deputy Minister of Justice, Munir Basha, attended the presentation of the European Union and the Council of Europe Project against Economic Crime (PECK II). On this occasion, the findings and recommendations regarding risk assessments against corruption in prosecution, judiciary, and public procurement were presented.

Minister Hoxha receives full support from the Iowa State for reforms in the rul...
Prishtinë 03/05/2017

The Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, during her visit in the US, met with Mr. Michael Ross, Iowa Deputy Secretary of State, with whom she discussed about deepening the cooperation in the field of justice.

Minister Dhurata Hoxha received the title “Honorary Doctorate” in the US
Prishtinë 02/05/2017

The Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, was honored with the title “Honorary Doctorate” at Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa, USA.

USAID reconfirms support for the Ministry of Justice
Prishtinë 28/04/2017

Minister Hoxha is continuing her official visit to the United States, where she met senior officials of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Public invitation
Prishtine 28/04/2017

Taking into account a series of public statements regarding the initial proposals of Articles on defamation of the constitutional organs and state symbols, including those of the European Union Representative in Kosovo, the Ministry of Justice provides the following clarification:

 Hoyt Yee congratulates Minister Hoxha for her excellent work
Prishtinë 27/04/2017

During her visit to the US, Minister Hoxha met with Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Asia, Hoyt Yee. At this meeting, Minister Hoxha informed Mr. Yee about the undertaken reforms, work, and commitment of the country's institutions in strengthening the rule of law.

Clarification of the Ministry of Justice on the review process of the Criminal ...
Prishtinë 26/04/2017

The Ministry of Justice is deeply committed to drafting the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code based on the advanced models of European Union countries.

Prishtinë 24/04/2017

With the aim of protecting the lawfulness of Kosovo Bar Association, on 19.04.2017 the Government of the Republic of Kosovo issued the Decision no. 05/142, by which the implementation of the Regulation on the appointment of lawyers ex officio and the provision of free legal aid remains temporarily suspended until a court final decision. The decision is temporary and as such does not prejudice the outcome of the process in this matter.

Minister Hoxha: We support Anti-Corruption Agency immensely
Prishtinë 20/04/2017

In a meeting with the Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Mr. Shaip Havolli, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, pledged full support and cooperation for the Agency.

Minister Hoxha: Functional review incites transparency, accountability, and eff...
Prishtinë 19/04/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, chaired the kick-off meeting for the functional review of the rule of law sector, where the Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi, Special Representative of the European Union, Ms. Apostolova, United States Ambassador, Mr. Delawie, and members of the Steering Committee for functional review of the rule of law sector were present.

Minister Hoxha: Adoption of Draft Law on Enforcement Procedure contributes to e...
Prishtinë 18/04/2017

Minister Hoxha assessed as highly important the adoption of the Draft Law on Enforcement Procedure. “In doing business, local and international banking institutions consider that private enforcement agents play an important role in this process, and we, as the Ministry of Justice, remain committed to provide assistance and support through the legal framework, and at the same time incite economic growth of the country”, said Minister Hoxha.

Adoption of Draft Law on Execution of Penal Sanctions prevents interference in ...
Prishtinë 18/04/2017

Minister Hoxha assessed as highly positive the amendment of Article 94 of the Law on Execution of Penal Sanctions. According to this Article, the Minister as a political appointee, had the competence to suspend the execution of the sentence, but this was considered as an opportunity to politically interfere in justice.

The Ministry of Justice shall have no power to discipline judges and prosecutor...
Prishtinë 18/04/2017

The article published in portal, dated 17 April 2017, entitled “The Ministry intends to have the competence on initiating disciplinary measures against judges and prosecutors” ( notes that the Draft Law on Disciplinary Liability for Judges and Prosecutors “foresees that in addition to the presidents of the courts and prosecution offices, the Minister of Justice may also initiate disciplinary measures against judges and prosecutors”.

Minister Hoxha: Equality before the law, even in inheritance-related issues

Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, today visited the University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”, and was hosted by the Rector, deans, and students of this University.

Minister Hoxha: Let's not hide behind the impossible but fight corruption
Prishtinë 28/03/2017

The Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended the roundtable against corruption, entitled: “Combating corruption: catching small fish, while big fish go free”.

Munir Basha took over as Deputy Minister of Justice
Prishtinë 28/03/2017

The Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, has hosted the newly appointed Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr. Munir Basha, whom she welcomed and wished success in his new post.

Minister Hoxha: It is painful that even 18 years after the war, the war crimes ...
Prishtinë 27/03/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended a round table on the publication of the Humanitarian Law Center annual report, entitled: “As Time Passes, Justice for War Crimes fades”, supported by the British Embassy and attended by Ambassador O'Connell.

Ministry of Justice committed in countering violent extremism in prisons

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended the launch of the three-day workshop focused on “Violent extremism in prisons” organized by ICITAP.

Minister Hoxha at the University of Prizren: Rule of law is not an option, it i...
Prishtinë 21/03/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, visited the University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”, where she was hosted by the Rector of this University, Ramë Vataj.

Minister Hoxha: Gender is an advantage for success, not an obstacle
Pristine 20/03/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended the launch of the programme "Week of Women 2017", organized by the National Democratic Institute.

Minister Hoxha paid a visit to the Municipality of Drenas
Prishtinë 17/03/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, visited Drenas, where she was hosted by Mayor Ramiz Lladrovci and heads of directories.

Press release by the Ministry of Justice
Prishtinë 16/03/2017

Upon the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo no. 06/134, dated 01.03.2017, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has defined that all immovable property registered in the name of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia/Republic of Yugoslavia, the Socialist Republic of Serbia/Republic of Serbia, and the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo, including their state, administrative and military bodies, and former socio-political organizations to be registered on behalf of the Republic of Kosovo as the owner of these immovable properties.

Minister Hoxha: Now, more than ever, we need judges with integrity

Now, more than ever, we need judges with integrity to punish crime courageously and with legal responsibility, judges who will boldly face all forms of corruption, no matter where it appears, said Minister Hoxha during her visit at the Basic Court of Prishtina.

Government approved Minister Hoxha’s request on crime victim compensation fund
Prishtinë 14/03/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, participated in the Government’s regular meeting and held two presentations, one related to the concept paper on Land for Construction and the other related to the Draft-Decision on allocating funds for crime victim compensation, in the amount of 100,000 Euro.

Minister Hoxha: Trust in the justice system means trust in our country
Prishtinë 13/03/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, participated in the ceremony of awarding certificates to 97 candidates who have successfully completed the Bar Exam. The ceremony was also attended by the Chair of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Nehat Idrizi and the Chief State Prosecutor, Aleksandër Lumezi.

Public clarification
Prishtinë 10/03/2017

The public opinion is hereby notified that today's article in some portals, headlined: “Exclusive: Minister Hoxha expected to dismiss four prison directors” is false.

Minister Hoxha: Approved draft laws advance citizens' access to justice and mee...
Prishtinë 10/03/2017

At the proposal of the Ministry of Justice, following the discussions of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, four draft laws have been adopted in principle at first reading.

Minister Hoxha: Draft Juvenile Justice Code extends the guaranteeing principles...
Prishtinë 09/03/2017

The Draft Juvenile Justice Code, drafted and finalized by the Ministry of Justice, has been approved in principle on its first reading. Through the said Draft Code many obstacles encountered during the implementation of the existing code have been addressed and some new provisions, which would enhance the legislation of this field considerably, have been added.

Minister Hoxha took part in the Global Counterterrorism Forum in Switzerland
Cyrih 09/03/2017

Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, took part in the seventh plenary session on combating violent extremism, organized by the Global Counterterrorism Forum in Zurich, Switzerland.

Minister Hoxha gets support from Bundestag Law Committee member
Prishtinë 08/03/2017

During her visit in Berlin, Minister Dhurata Hoxha met with the Bundestag member, Dr Karl-Heinz Brunner, and discussed new opportunities for deepening the cooperation.

Deputy Minister Çelaj: activities in reducing domestic violence cases intensifi...
Prishtinë 06/03/2017

Today, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr. Lirak Çelaj, in the capacity of the National Coordinator against Domestic Violence, held a meeting with the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group against Domestic Violence.

Minister Hoxha to pay official visit to the Ministry of Justice in Germany
Prishtinë 06/03/2017

The Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, at the invitation of her counterpart, has traveled to Germany where she will conduct an official visit to the Ministry of Justice.

Minister Hoxha: I am committed to making the judiciary more transparent, accoun...

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, attended the conference organized by the leaders of the EU project, "Strengthening efficiency, accountability, and transparency of the judicial and prosecutorial system". Present in the conference were also Ms. Apostolova, Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, the Heads of the judiciary and prosecution, as well as a number of ambassadors.

Minister Hoxha: We are all responsible for building public trust in the justice...
Prishtinë 01/03/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, visited the Basic Court in Prizren where she was hosted by the President of the Court, Ymer Hoxha.

Minister Hoxha: Our path has only one direction – rule of law and order
Prishtina 28/02/2017

The Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, was part of the panel in the organized conference on “Civil society engagement in countering violent extremism” and held a speech wherein she emphasized the importance of combating violent extremism.

Minister Hoxha: Intensive work in implementing the SAA and ERA requirements
Prishtinë 23/02/2017

Today, the Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, emphasized in the Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee and the Stabilization and Association Council that the Ministry of Justice is working intensively in implementing the requirements arising from the Stabilization and Association Agreement and the European Reform Agenda.

Ministrja Hoxha takoi komisionarin Muiznieks, diskutim për të arriturat dhe sfi...
Prishtinë 08/02/2017

Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Dhurata Hoxha, priti në takim komisionarin e Këshillit të Evropës për të drejtat e njeriut, Nils Muiznieks me ç’rast u trajtuan çështjet lidhur me të drejtat e njeriut, ndëshkimin e krimit, çështjen e të pagjeturve, hetimin e krimeve të urrejtjes dhe hetimin e kërcënimit ndaj gazetarëve.

En-Ministrja Hoxha: Rishikimi i legjislacionit, në funksion të fuqizimit të sun...
Prishtinë 28/01/2017

Prishtinë, 28 Janar 2017 – Ministrja e Drejtësisë, Dhurata Hoxha, mori pjesë në konferencën vjetore të prokurorëve, ku diskutoi për përkushtimin e Ministrisë për fuqizimin e sundimit të ligjit.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof.. Dr. Kuçi, met with the he...
Pristina 05/01/2017

At the meeting with the head of the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC), Enver Peci, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, offered his full support for an independent judicial system, for proper organization  of the courts  in the Republic of Kosova, to create the necessary legal infrastructure for them, and other conditions that would increase efficiency in Court . "I will work very closely with the KJC, and will perform my obligations as a whole while maintaining the independence of the judicial system, even by strengthening it and enabling that in our conditions and circumstances, the judge and prosecutor  of The Republic of Kosovo to feel respected man, that the pople to  see as hope in our Republic, "said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi. 

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, met wit...
Pristina 05/01/2017

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, met with Michael Nebelung, GIZ's director for Kosovo and Volkmar Theobald, leader of the projects. (GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - German Society for International Cooperation). 

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof.. Dr.Hajredin Kuçi visited ...
Prishtina 05/01/2017

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, accompanied by Behxhet Shala, executive director of Council for the Protection of human Rights and Freedoms, visited the Correctional Centre in Dubrava Istog, where they were closely informed about the conditions of prisoners who are serving their sentence in this prison.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, met wit...
Prishtina 04/01/2017

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, received today in  a meeting, a group of students of the Faculty of Law at the University of Pristina, who were ranked among the fifteen best universities for their academic writing, the famous international competition for justice "Williem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, held in Vienna, Austria. 

The deputy prime minister and minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, hos...
Prishtina 04/01/2017

Deputy Prime minster and minster of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, held a meeting today with the delegation of the Union of Pensioners and Work Invalids.

The New Law on Special Chamber of Supreme Court, as of January 2012 functional
Prishtina 04/01/2017

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today received in a  joint meeting, the Head of the EULEX Justice Component, Silvio Bonfigli, President of the Assembly of EULEX Judges, Francesco Flory, Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Enver Peci and President  of the Supreme Court, Fejzullah Hasani.

Kuçi: It is being worked that no citizen of the Republic of Kosovo has the refu...
Pristine 04/01/2017

World Refugee Day is a day that should be commemorated in our country, it is one of those days that is still in our memory, because 13 years earlier as a result of ethnic cleansing during the recent war in Kosovo, we and our families have experienced such a situation, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Kuçi, in the manifestation related to the International Refugee Day organized by the Civil Rights Program in Kosovo.

Discussions on the possibilities of harmonizing the actions for the distributio...
Prishtina 04/01/2017

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a joint meeting with the Chairman of the Head of Judicial Council, Enver Peci, the President of the Supreme Court, Fejzullah Hasani, the Head of the Board of the Privatisation Agency of Kosovo (PAK), Blerim Rexha, the President of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court (SCSC), Sahit Sylejmani and the Chairman of UITUK, Haxhi Arifi.

Minister Kuçi held a farewell meeting with Ambassador Karajanov
Prishtina 04/01/2017

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a farewell meeting the Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia, Stojan Karajanov, upon the completion of his eight-year diplomatic mission in the Republic of Kosovo.

Germany continues its support in relation to rule of law in Kosovo

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, hosted in a meeting special envoy for the Western Balkans, Ernest Reichel, and German Ambassador to Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer, with whom discussed the cooperation of Kosovo institutions of with Germany.

Minister Kuçi met with a delegation of the High Council of Justice of Albania
Prishtina 30/12/2016

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, met a delegation of the High Council of Justice (HCJ) of Albania, headed by Deputy Chairman of the Board, Elvis Çefa.

Meeting of the Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board held in Pristina
Pristina 16/09/2015

Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, together with the Head of EULEX Mission in Kosovo, Gabriele Meucci, the Head of the EU Office/EUSR, Samuel Zbogar, Chair of the Kosovo Judicial Council Enver Peci, and the Chair of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, Alexander Lumezi held a meeting of the Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board. The Director General of the Kosovo Police, Shpend Maxhuni also attended the meeting. In the meeting was approved the Compact Progress Report for the period July 2014 - July 2015.

Minister Kuçi met the new Head of EULEX, Gabriele Meucci
Prishtina 20/10/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the new head of EULEX, Gabriele Meucci, whereby congratulated him for his new post as Head of EULEX mission, welcoming him in Kosovo.

13 private Enforcement Agents in the Republic of Kosovo are sworn in
Prishtina 10/10/2014

13 private enforcement agents in the Republic of Kosovo sworn in upon a ceremony organized by the Ministry of Justice.  This ceremony was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, who, in his speech to the attendees, praised the work that is done and the role of private enforcement agents, stated that today is a good momentum for the Ministry of Justice, but also for justice in the country thus completing the architecture of justice in the Republic of Kosovo. “As Minister of Justice, I had priorities to encompass the architecture of justice, including judicial reform, the appointment of judges, new laws, in particular free professions, including notaries, mediators, arbitrators, but also private enforcement agents," stated Kuçi. Minister Kuçi also stated that private enforcement agents will assist in reducing the courts cases of the Republic of Kosovo, since, according to him, half of the cases have to do with their execution and above all, citizens of the Republic of Kosovo will be granted easier and faster access in justice as those cases now are in the hands of private enforcement agents. 

Kuçi and Jashari appreciate the Kosovo-Macedonia cooperation
Prishtina 05/09/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, hosted in a meeting the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Adnan Jashari, with whom discussed about political activities going on in the Republic of Kosovo and that of Macedonia, in particular, justice system. 

Bar Exam very important to justice system of Kosovo
Prishtina 25/07/2014

In a ceremony organized by the Ministry of Justice, today 32 candidates who passed Bar Exam, during June this year, were certified. 

Williamson in Kosovo upon completing of his mandate
Prishtina 21/07/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, along with Minister of Internal Affairs, Bajram Rexhepi and Minister of Kosovo Security Force, Agim Çeku, hosted in a meeting the Head Prosecutor of Special Investigative Task Force, Clint Williamson and Head of EULEX in Kosovo, Bern Borchardt. 

Austrian support to Kosovo is confirmed
Prishtina 08/07/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, hosted in a meeting Political Director of Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jan Kickert.

Kosovo – Germany Ccooperation is highly praised
Prishtina 13/06/2014

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, received today the member of German Bundestag, Marieluise Beck.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi met his counterpart from Liechtenstein
Prishtina 11/06/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, received today the Deputy Prime Minister of Litenshtajnit, Thomas Zwiefelhofer.

Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board presents the Compact Progress Report 2014
Prishtina 11/06/2014

Today, Deputy Prime Minister Kuci, the EUSR/Head of the EU Office Samuel Zbogar and EULEX Head of Mission Bernd Borchardt jointly presented the ‘Compact progress report 2014’. 

Minister Kuçi received a delegation of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operat...
Prishtinë 04/06/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, today received a delegation of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations chaired by the Assistant Secretary-General for Operations in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Edmond Multe.

Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board Meeting
Prishtina 28/05/2014

The Joint Rule of Law Coordination Board (JRCB) met today at the Main Government Building in Pristina. The meeting was hosted by Samuel Žbogar, EU Special Representative and Head of the European Union Office, and co-chaired by Bernd Borchardt, EULEX Head of Mission, and Hajredin Kuçi, Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Justice. 

Cooperation between Kosovo and the Council of Europe in the field of rule of la...
Prishtina 30/04/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, met Stephane Leyenberg from the Division of Justice CEPEJ / KEED - Secretary of the Commission and the representative from the Council of Europe Office in Prishtina, Tim Cartwright.

Second anniversary of the Kosovo Chamber of Notaries
Prishtina 14/04/2014

Under the auspice of Chamber of Notaries of the Republic of Kosovo and the Ministry of Justice, the second anniversary of the Chamber of Notaries was marked today, with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi.

Kuçi and Janiver discussed the transition of the EULEX mission
Prishtina 10/04/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, hosted today in a meeting the chief of staff of the European Union Civilian Planning and Conduct Capabilities (CPCC), Janiver Gilles, with whom discussed the latest developments in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the completion of the current EULEX -it mandate, transition and transfer of powers to local institutions.

Speech of Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi, on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of...
Prishtina 09/04/2014

On the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, as the organizer of the solemn ceremony and former chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, before the attendees stated:

Kuçi: Work in the justice system more than a profession, is a mission
Prishtina 07/04/2014

Work in the justice system should not only be understood as a profession, it is a mission, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, said during the certification ceremony of 33 candidates who have passed the Bar Exam.

The cooperation between Kosovo and Switzerland is appreciated
Prishtina 04/04/2014

Republic of Kosovo and the Swiss Confederation have very good cooperation in all fields, in particular in the field of justice, was said today during a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi and Minister of Justice and Police of Switzerland, Simonetta Sommaruga.

Kuçi, Zbogar and Borchard discuss EULEX mandat
Prishtina 26/03/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, received today the Head of EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, and Head of EULEX Mission in Kosovo, Bern Borchardt, with whom discussed the latest developments in Kosovo with particular emphasis on completion of current mandate of EULEX, transition and transfer of powers to local institutions.

Kuçi and Rexhepi conduct official visit to Brussels
Prishtina 24/03/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, accompanied by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Bajram Rexhepi, is currently on official visit to Brusse

Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code launched in sign language and Braille
Prishtina 18/03/2014

Ministry of Justice, respectively Deputy Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, has launched today the Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code in sign language and Braille in which representatives of the Association of the Blind and Deaf also participated.

Capacity building to fight corruption, a priority of Kosovo Government
Prishtina 17/03/2014

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, hosted UNODC delegation headed by Jason Reichelt, Justice official. The purpose of the meeting was to inform Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi about the next cooperation between UNDP and UNODC within the UNDP Project in Supporting Anti-Corruption Efforts in Kosovo, which is financed by the Swiss Development and Cooperation.

Minister Kuçi met Ambassador Daviet
Prishtina 14/03/2014

In the light of collaborative meetings with ambassadors of EU countries accredited in Kosovo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, today held a meeting with Ambassador of France, Maryse DAVIET, in which discussed interstate cooperation between Kosovo and France, current politics and EULEX mission.

Kuçi met Ambassador Cliff
Prishtina 13/03/2014

In the light of collaborative meetings with the UK Embassy in Kosovo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, today held a meeting with the UK Ambassador, Ian Cliff.

Possibility of Kosovo\'s membership in the Bureau of the Hague Conference on Pr...
Prishtina 13/03/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, hosted Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary of the Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), which aims at progressive unification of the rules of private international law.

Minister Kuçi met with Ambassador Blomeyer
Prishtina 12/03/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, has received the Ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer, with whom he discussed cooperation of Kosovo institutions with the German government and EULEX mission in Kosovo.

Kuçi met with MP members of the Committee for European Integration
Prishtina 24/02/2014

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting a delegation from Committee for European Integration of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, headed by Alma Lama, with whom discussed about law enforcement for Extended Powers related for Confiscation of Assets  acquired through criminal offences. 

Discussions on organizing elections in the North
Prishtina 21/02/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the OSCE Ambassador to Kosovo, Jean-Claude Schlumberger with whom he discussed about the elections process which will be held this Sunday in the north of the Republic of Kosovo. 

Kuçi met with Swedish Ambassador, Staffansson
Prishtina 20/02/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the Swedish Ambassador in Skopje, Accredited for Kosovo, Mats Staffansson, with whom talked about the current issues and recent developments in the field of justice in Kosovo as well as European Integration processes. 

Minister Kuçi provides institutional support to DFM
Prishtina 19/02/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today paid a visit to the Department of Forensic Medicine (DFM) where he was hosted by the Director Arsim Gerxhaliu and the staff of this Department. 

Kuçi informed Committee for European Integration of Kosovo Assembly
Prishtina 18/02/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today informed the Committee for European Integration of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, regarding the Structured Dialogue meeting in the field of Rule of Law between European Union and Representatives of the Institutions of the Republic of Kosovo. 

Minister Kuçi met the Ambassador Blomeyer
Prishtina 14/02/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the German Ambassador, Peter Blomeyer.

Support in continuation for free legal assistance to citizens of Kosovo is prom...
Prishtina 14/02/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today took part in the conference on “Free Legal Assistance Sustainability” organized by the Agency for Free Legal Assistance, which is responsible for providing free legal assistance, in the field of civil, criminal, administrative and minor offence, for all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo. 

Third meeting of the Structured Dialogue on the Rule of Law - 16 January 2014 O...
Prishtina 10/02/2014

The representatives from Kosovo and the EU met for the third time in the framework of the Structured Dialogue on the Rule of Law (Brussels, 16 January 2014). This Structured Dialogue offers an opportunity for high-level political discussions related to Justice, Freedom and Security, and Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. The meeting featured discussions concerning the judiciary and judicial reform, independence of the judiciary, the fight against organised crime and corruption and the effective prevention of corruption.

Minister Kuçi met a delegation of Venice Commission
Prishtina 05/02/2014

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting a delegation of Venice commission headed by Thomas Markert, Secretary of this Commission. 

 UNDP contribution to justice system, is appreciated
Prishtina 04/02/2014

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, met with Cihan Sultanoglu, Assistant to Secretary General of UNO, Assistant Administrator of UNDP and Director of Regional Office for Europe.

Minister Kuçi met the Ambassador Blomeyer
Prishtina 03/02/2014

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the German Ambassador Peter Blomeyer.

Memorandum on prisoners’ reintegration
Prishtina 23/01/2014

The Ministry of Justice and Caritas Kosovo today signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

 Kuçi met with MEP Lunacek
Prishtina 20/01/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Kuçi met with the European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek. Minister Kuçi thanked MEP Lunacek for her contribution to Kosovo, in particular for her reporting on Kosovo and the proceeding of the resolution for Kosovo to the European Parliament.

AASCA Central Warehouse Inaugurated
Prishtina 20/01/2014

Central Warehouse of the Agency for Administration of Confiscated or Sequestrated Assets (AASCA) was inaugurated today, where confiscated or sequestrated assets will be stored and administered.

EU and Kosovo discuss on the rule of law
Brussels 16/01/2014

Representatives of Kosovo and the European Union met in Brussels today for the third time for the Structured Dialogue on the Rule of Law. During this meeting, the Kosovo side presented a detailed overview of the progress made in the field of rule of law during 2013.

 Kuçi in Brussels for EULEX mandate and the Structured Dialogue on the Rule of ...
Prishtina 14/01/2014

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, travelled today to Brussels where he will meet with the Head of European Union Operations, Hansjörg Haber and EU ambassadors.

 Kuçi inspected the works at the Palace of Justice
Prishtina 14/01/2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, accompanied by Mats Mattson, Head of the Executive Sector in EULEX and three other representatives of this mission and other institutions, conducted on-site visit to Palace of Justice.

 Kuçi met Italian Ambassador, Ferrarese
Prishtina 13/01/2014

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, in an introductory meeting today hosted the new Italian Ambassador in Kosovo, Mr. Andreas Ferrarese. After congratulating Ambassador Ferrarese on his new assignment, Minister Kuçi stated that the relations of the Republic of Kosovo and Italy are very good, and for this, he also gave credits to former Ambassador Michael Giffoni.

 In coordination for the Structured Dialogue on the Rule of Law
Prishtina 10/01/2014

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, in the capacity of chairman of the Kosovo delegation for the Structured Dialogue on the Rule of Law, to be held this month in Brussels, today held a coordination meeting with representatives of institutions in the area of law, order and European integrations.

Kuçi: Fight against corruption remains one of the highest priorities of the Gov...
Prishtina 04/10/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today took part in the sixth meeting of the National Anti-Corruption Council chaired by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs Atifete Jahjaga. Speaking on the activities of the Ministry of Justice in the fight against corruption, deputy Prime minister, Kuçi said:

Civilian Operations Commander Haber and Deputy Prime Minister Kuci express soli...
Prishtina 20/09/2013

At a meeting today in Pristina, Civilian Operations Commander Hansjoerg Haber and Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi discussed the tragic death of EULEX staff member, Audrius Senavicius.

 France will continue to strongly support Kosovo
Prishtina 20/09/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted a delegation from the French Parliament composed of Senator Jean-Pierre Michel and Senator Patrice Gerald, who also are members of the France-Kosovo friendship group, accompanied by Ambassador of France in Kosovo, Maryse Daviet.

Kosovo does not have a list of persons to be arrested
Prishtina 19/09/2013

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo expresses its concerns regarding yesterday’s speculative declarations on the existence of a list of people that are planned to be arrested by the Kosovo authorities. The recent media reports on the alleged existence of such a secret list containing the names of Serbs are unfounded speculations that are part of an orchestrated propaganda that aims at obstructing the peaceful and democratic processes.

 Press Freedom: Rights, Responsibilities and the Public Interest
Prishtina 19/09/2013

There is no doubt about it: a free press is a cornerstone of any democracy, particularly fragile or developing democracies. Along with elections, it is a key accountability tool. Elections happen only once every four years. Government happens every day. So, there must be a free press to assist in holding Governments and public officials to account between elections. A free press, when acting to hold governments or public officials to account, should be acting on behalf of the people, acting in the public interest.

The judiciary and prosecution to be updated with new staff
Prishtina 26/07/2013

In a ceremony organized by the Ministry of Justice, today were certified 48 candidates who have passed the bar exam in June this year.The ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, heads of justice institutions and other guests.

A more concise coordination of activities for visa liberalization and ASA
Prishtina 23/07/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof.Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, accompanied by Minister of European Integration, Vlora Çitaku, today hosted the meeting Deputy Chief of EULEX, Andy Sparks, with whom he talked about the coordination of activities related mainly to the rule of law in Kosovo, and for coordinating the work regarding visa liberalization and Agreement for stabilization- association. 

The Justice Day marked and the justice prize
Prishtina 22/07/2013

The ceremony was organized under the patronage of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, and attended by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi, ministers, ambassadors, representatives of EULEX, the EU Office, courts, prosecutor offices and representatives of other institutions.During the ceremony, the Ministry of Justice awarded the prize for justice "Hero Sali Çekaj".

 Elections in northern Kosovo discussed
Prishtina 18/07/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today met with the Ambassador of OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Jean-Claude Schlumberger, with whom he discussed on the election process which will be held this year, with particular emphasis on their organization in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo.

 The High Security Prison will increase the level of security in the correction...
Prishtina 16/07/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today visited the site where the works are underway for the construction of the High Security Prison in Gërdovc, Podujeva.

A cooperation agreement between MoJ – MoH on building health services in the co...
Prishtina 15/07/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the health service staff of the Kosovo Correctional Service, who, based on a cooperation agreement, passed from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Health.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi discussed on the implementation of the agreement wit...
Prishtina 30/04/2013

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the French Ambassador in Kosovo, Maryse Daviet, with whom he discussed on the latest political developments in Kosovo.

Discussions on the possibilities of enhancing the cooperation of the Kosovo and...
Prishtina 26/04/2013

Today the Ministry of Justice - Kosovo Probation Service, in support of UNDP, organized a round table on "The Role of the Probation Service of Kosovo in the execution of alternative measures and sanctions under the Criminal legislation of Kosovo."

Notary System in Kosovo a model for other countries
Prishtina 24/04/2013

The legal infrastructure of the Notary System in Kosovo, conditions and work of the notaries here has impressed us for good, said today the Vice President of the Commission for International Cooperation (CCNI) at the International Union of Notaries, Domenicue Savour, after meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi.

Deputy Prime Minister met the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Aldo Bumç...
Prishtina 24/04/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, Aldo Bumçi, who is on an official visit in the Republic of Kosovo.

Request for a bigger reference of cases from the courts to mediation
Prishtina 19/04/2013

The referral of cases from courts to mediation will bring benefits to citizens and reduction of court cases, was said at the roundtable, "Exchange of experiences in referring cases from the courts to mediation", organized by the Ministry of Justice - the Mediation Commission in support of UNDP, which was attended by mediators, judges and other stakeholders associated with this system.

Notarial system of the Republic of Kosovo is added 28 new notaries
Prishtina 15/04/2013

In a ceremony organized by the Ministry of Justice, today gave their oath 28 new notaries and at the same time it was marked the first anniversary of the functionality of the notarial system of the Republic of Kosovo, with the presence of representatives from many local and international institutions.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi asked from the Roma community to pay a greater impor...
Prishtina 08/04/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today took part in the marking of the International Roma Day, organized by the Office of Community Affairs and the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Bar Examination is very important for the justice system in Kosovo
Prishtina 05/04/2013

In a ceremony organized today by the Ministry of Justice, have been certified 41 candidates who have passed the bar exam in March 2013.

Discussions on the report for 2012 of the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group ...
Prishtina 29/03/2013

Today was held the regular meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group against Domestic Violence for the Progress Report 2012 and the Approval of the Operating Procedures of action for the treatment of family violence, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Justice, at the same time the National Coordinator against Domestic Violence, Daut Xhemajli.

Intensification on the harmonization of actions for the distribution of the 20 ...
Prishtina 29/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a joint meeting with Mats Mettsson, Head of EULEX Executive Division, Charles Smith, President of the Assembly of EULEX Judges, Alfred Keyserlingk, Judge at the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Enver Peci, President of the Judicial Council, Fejzullah Hasani, President of the Supreme Court and Sahit Sylejmani, President of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court.

On 31 March 2013 is held the written test for the position of the Correctional ...
Prishtina 29/03/2013

Kosovo Correctional Service (KCS) is making continuous efforts in establishing new capacities, and by the end of this year it is expected the functioning of the High Security Prison, as a very important institution for this service, while there will also be built the Detention Centres in Gjilan and Prishtina, the open type institution for mass education and correction for juveniles and the psychiatric forensics which will be built in cooperation with the European Commission, said the General Director of KCS, Resmi Hoxha, at a press conference where he presented the tasks and challenges of this service, as well as works that are being developed for holding the written test for the position of the Correctional Officer in the High Security Prison, which will facilitate the work of KCS.

Notary service activities coordinated
Prishtina 29/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the Director of the Swiss project "Support to the Kosovo notary system", Michel Merlotti, with whom he discussed on the coordination of activities for Kosovo notary service.

Minister Kuçi continued commitment on the missing persons issue
Prishtina 22/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi hosted a delegation of the International Committee of Red Cross, composed of Laurent Corbaz, Head of Operations for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Lina Milner, Regional Coordinator for the Western Balkans on missing persons issue, and Agim Gashi, Head of the Mission in Kosovo.

A pistol confiscated in the Dubrava Correctional Centre
Dubrava 21/03/2013

After receiving some information from the General Directorate of the Kosovo Correctional Service of the existence of a weapon in the Dubrava Correctional Center, the Director of the center, immediately ordered the Intervention Unit in the Kosovo Correctional Service to launch searches.

The AMCSA progress is assessed
Prishtina 21/03/2013

Deputy Minister of Justice, Abdul Ymeri and the Chief Executive of the Agency for the Management of Confiscated or Sequestrated Assets (AMSCA), Rahim Rama, today hosted in a meeting the Director of the US Treasury Office for Technical Assistance, Carol Kelley and Gary Hyde, Senior Advisor for Economic Crimes.

The project
Prishtina 19/03/2013

At a conference organized by the European Union Office in Kosovo, in which took part Deputy Minister of Justice, Daut Xhemajli, Christof Stock, Head of Operations at the EU Office in Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer, German Ambassador in Kosovo, and Thomas Hackner, project Leader of the EU member state, was launched the twinning project "Strengthening the International Legal Cooperation."

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi presented the achievements of the Government in its ...
Prishtina 19/03/2013

Today was held the meeting of the National Council for European Integration, organized by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga. At the meeting, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, took part the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi met with the EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Stefan...
Prishtina 19/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Industry, Mimoza Kusari-Lila and the Minister of European Integration, Vlora Çitaku today hosted in a meeting the European Union Commissioner for Enlargement, Stefan Fule.

Minister Kuçi offered the full support of the Government in clarifying the fate...
Prishtina 18/03/2013

Today was held the meeting of the Governmental Commission for Missing Persons, which has been attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, who expressed the willingness of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to help the process of identification of missing persons.  

KPS and Kosovo Police sign a memorandum of cooperation
Prishtina 15/03/2013

Kosovo Probation Service (KPS), which operates within the Ministry of Justice and Police of the Republic of Kosovo, today signed a memorandum of cooperation.

Minister Kuçi reiterates the importance of the issue of missing persons
Prishtina 15/03/2013

 Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi hosted a delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross Office in Prishtina, headed by Lina Millner. At this meeting were present the Chair of the Intergovernmental Commission for Missing Persons, Prenkë Gjetaj.

The Swiss Government assistance given to Kosovo appreciated
Prishtina 13/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today took part in the presentation of the Strategy for Kosovo 2013-2016, organized by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Discussions on the possibilities of cooperation between the Kosovo Probation Se...
Prishtina 13/03/2013

The Director of the Kosovo Probation Service which operates within the Ministry of Justice, Metije Ademi, today hosted a delegation of the American KFOR, led by Major Hardy Paschal, who in his civilian life is the Head of the Regional Office of the Probation Service of South Carolina, United States of America.

The Ministry of Justice will soon finalize the Law on Amnesty
Prishtina 12/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today met with the experts who have worked on the Draft Law on Amnesty.

Minister Kuçi congratulated Mr. Peci on the reelection as the chair of KJC
Prishtina 12/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, congratulated Mr. Enver Peci on his reelection at the head of the Kosovo Judicial Council. The congratulation telegram from Minister Kuçi says:

Vazhdon ndihma drejt ngritjes së kapaciteteve të institucioneve të Republikës s...
Prishtina 11/03/2013

Today was held the strategic meeting of the Steering Council for the CDF Capacity Building Project (Capacity Development Facility), whose main purpose is the support of Kosovo's public institutions at central, municipal and governmental agencies on strengthening the country's democratic institutions.

Minister Kuçi met with representatives of Organizations of People with Disabili...
Prishtina 11/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, accompanied by the Deputy Minister, Daut Xhemajli, hosted the representatives of the Institute for Sustainability and Development of Youth (ISDY) and Disabled People Organizations (Association of Deaf people of Kosovo and Handikos).

Kosovo has created mechanisms to prevent domestic violence
Prishtina 08/03/2013

Deputy Minister of Justice, at the same time the National Domestic Violence Coordinator, Daut Xhemajli, today took part in the conference "Reintegration of Victims of Domestic Violence and Trafficking in Human Beings in Kosovo - Challenges and Responses", organized by the United Nations Development Program in Kosovo (UNDP) project through the Women's Safety and Security Initiative Plus.

In honor of Women's Day, Minister Kuçi visited the Correctional Center for Wome...
Prishtina 08/03/2013

In honor of 8 March "Women's Day", Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi visited the Correctional Center for Women in Lipjan and congratulated all the women who serve their sentences in this center.

Discussions on access to justice for women and girls, victims of sexual violenc...
Prishtina 08/03/2013

The Agency for Gender Equality within the Prime Minister's Office has marked the 8 March - International Women's Day, through the roundtable "Access to justice for women, victims of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo," which was dedicated to women and girls who were raped during the war in Kosovo.

Kuçi: We are working to strengthen the accountability of the justice system
Prishtina 07/03/2013

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi today participated in a roundtable discussion on "The rights of citizens and accountability in the justice system", organized as part of the campaign "Justice and citizens." In this occasion Minister Kuçi said: "It is increasingly important that discussions on justice, particularly on the judiciary, have more attention on the rights of citizens. Although justice and the rights of citizens are directly related to each other, it happens that reality often keeps them away from each other. It is therefore very important that, like today, they are always discussed as two closely related issues, or dependent to each other.

The meeting of the Joint Rule of Law Cordination Board is held
Prishtina 07/03/2013

Today was held the regular meeting of the Joint Rule of Law Cordination Board, which was co-chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, the Head of EULEX in Kosovo, Bernd Borchardt and the Head of EU in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, and was also attended by the European Integration Minister, Vlora Çitaku, Minister of Internal Affairs, Bajram Rexhepi, the Director of Kosovo Police as well as other leaders of justice institutions.

MoJ publishes expenses on a weekly basis (Clarification)
Prishtina 06/03/2013

Today, in some electronic and print media has been published the information stating that Deputy Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, during 2011, spent 13,078.85 euro on official lunches and dinners, but without clarifying that this amount included expenses of other subordinate departments of the Ministry of Justice.

Minister Kuçi discussed on the implementation of MoJ objectives
Prishtina 04/03/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a joint meeting with the Deputy Ministers, the Secretary General, the Directors of departments, agencies and offices of the Ministry of Justice.

Minister Kuçi hosted students from the American University of Rome
Prishtina 01/03/2013

About 30 students of the American University of Rome, accompanied by their Professor James Walston, today visited the Ministry of Justice where they were hosted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi.

Deputy Ministers of Justice met with the regional directors of KPS
Prishtina 01/03/2013

Deputy Ministers of Justice, Daut Xhemajli and Abdul Ymeri, as well as the Director of THE Kosovo Probation Service (KPS), Metije Ademi, organized an informative and awareness meeting with regional directors of this service.

Minister Kuçi Minister met with the Head of the UNICEF Office in Kosovo
Prishtina 28/02/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a meeting with the Head of the UNICEF Office in Kosovo, Laila Omar Gad, with whom he discussed on the cooperation in the field of protection of children's rights.

Kosovo intends to initiate the electronic monitoring of alternative sanctions
Prishtina 28/02/2013

A delegation from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kosovo, headed by the Deputy Minister Abdul Ymeri, visited the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Albania, where they were hosted by Brikena Kasmi, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

The organization made to mark the fifth anniversary of Independence is praised
Prishtina 28/02/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a meeting with the Organizing Council to Mark the Fifth Anniversary of Independence.

US continues to support the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia
Prishtina 28/02/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted a delegation of the US Embassies in Prishtina and Belgrade, headed by Lee Litzenberger, Deputy Ambassador of the Embassy in Belgrade.

Minister Kuçi met with the directors of correctional institutions
Prishtina 27/02/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a meeting with the Director General of the Kosovo Correctional Service (KCS) and the directors of correctional and detention centers.

Minister Kuçi presented the work done in meeting the short-term criteria derive...
Prishtina 25/02/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today presented to the Committee of European Integration of the Kosovo Assembly, the fulfillment of short-term criteria derived from the Feasibility Study Report and the Structured Dialogue Meeting held in Prishtina on 12 February 2013.

Sweden supports the reform of the justice system in Kosovo
Prishtina 20/02/2013

A delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, led by Ann-Marie Bolin Pennegårdnw, Ambassador, representative of CIVCOM in Brussels, today visited the Ministry of Justice, where they were hosted by the Deputy Minister, Abdul Ymeri while present in the meeting were the Chief State Prosecutor, Ismet Kabashi and Chairman of the Supreme Court, Fejzullah Hasani.

Six students completed the practical work in MoJ
Prishtina 14/02/2013

Deputy Minister of Justice, Daut Xhemajli and Secretary General, Bedri Bahtiri, today handed out certificates for six students who have completed the practical work in the Ministry of Justice.

The Mediation Committee of the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Uni...
Prishtina 14/02/2013

War Crimes Research Institute (WCRI), which operates under the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Vienna, on the occasion of the 5th Anniversary of the Declaration of the Kosovo Independence, tomorrow, on February 15, in Vienna, Austria, will open an exhibition titled "the Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Kosovo 1998-1999."

Mediation Centre opens in Prishtina
Prishtina 14/02/2013

The Mediation Committee of the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in the framework of the project "Advancing Gender Justice", opened the Mediation Centre in Prishtina.

Judicial reform creates a more suitable environment for economic development
Prishtina 13/02/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today took part in the ninth meeting of the National Council for Economic Development, where among other things, was discussed on the "Reform of the judicial system in Kosovo - The impact this reform can have in the economic processes."

The project on strengthening the AASCA begins
Prishtina 08/02/2013

With the participation of representatives of the European Commission, U.S. Embassy - Department of the Treasury, EULEX, Kosovo Judicial Council and the Kosovo Judicial Institute, the Agency for the Administration of Sequestrated or Confiscated Assets (AASCA) of the Ministry of Justice, within its commitments, yesterday began the European Commission funded project "IPA 2011 in support of AASCA".

Kuçi-Kickert: Discuss on IBM, electoral reform and the European agenda
Prishtina 08/02/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted in a meeting the Political Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria, Jan Kickert.

Minister Kuqi met the new Chief of EULEX, Bernd Borchardt
Prishtina 07/02/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a meeting with the new Head of EULEX, the German diplomat Bernd Borchardt, whom he welcomed and wished success in his new post. In this meeting present was the Head of the EU Office, respectively the EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar.

Talks on the Stabilisation and Association process and visa liberalization
Prishtina 05/02/2013

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, had a meeting with Lucas Holub, Rule of Law Officer for Kosovo Issues Unit in the European Commission in Brussels.

A higher imposition of alternative measures and sanctions is required
Peja 31/01/2013

During the awareness campaign regarding the competences and performance of the Kosovo Probation Service (KPS) of the Ministry of Justice, the regional directorate of this service in Peja, yesterday held meetings with the Chamber of Advocates of Peja region and the region's Basic Prosecution.

DFM - Prosecution: discuss further cooperation
Prishtina 30/01/2013

 Department of Forensic Medicine (DFM) of the Ministry of Justice today was visited by the Chief State Prosecutor, Ismet Kabashi and chief prosecutors of the Basic Prosecution Offices, on which case the Director of DFM, Arsim Gerxhaliu, informed them with the work being done in this department.

AMSCA and CBK signed cooperation agrement
Prishtina 27/01/2013

As part of its enforcement, the Agency for Administration of Seized or Confiscated (AMSCA) of the Ministry of Justice, today signed a cooperation agreement with the Central Bank of Republic of Kosovo (CBK).

The detainee F.Z has died
Dubrava 27/01/2013

Today has died the detainee F. Z, born on 14.06.1981 in Vushtrri, accused of robbery and attempted murder. The detainee F. Z, was sent to the Dubrava Correctional Center on 27.02.2012, where he was noticed to have the diagnosis of epilepsy, and has been treated regularly.

Conditional Release Panel under the jurisdiction of the KJC
Prishtina 22/01/2013

Today has been signed a cooperation agreement for the transfer of powers of the Conditional Release Panel from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC).

Discussions over the possibilities of deepening the cooperation between Kosovo ...
London 16/01/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, on the first day of UK visit met with Helen Grant, Deputy Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice of the United Kingdom and the Minister for Europe, David Lidington.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi has travelled to the UK on an official visit
Prishtina 15/01/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today has travelled to the UK on an official visit.

Coordination is reached on the finalization of the Palace of Justice
Prishtina 10/01/2013

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today participated in a meeting organized by the European Commission Liaison Office in order to coordinate and intensify works in finalizing the Palace of Justice. This meeting was co - chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi and Christof Stock, Head of Operations section of the EC Liaison Office. 

Kuçi addressed the judicial challenges towards reforms
Prishtina 10/01/2013

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a meeting with the Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Enver Peci, the Chief Prosecutor, Ismet Kabashi, the President of the Supreme Court, Fejzullah Hasani and the Head of EULEX Executive Division, Mats Mattsson.

2013 to be the year of implementation of laws and policies of MoJ
Prishtina 04/01/2013

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a joint meeting with the Secretary General, directors of departments, agencies and offices of the Ministry of Justice.

Discutions on Role and Mandate of EULEX after the Supervision of Independence
Prishtina 31/07/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice , Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted a meeting Mr. Zbogar, EU Special Representative in Kosovo,  Deputy ambassador of USA in Kosovo Kelly C. Degnan,  and Deputy Head of EULEX Mr. Andy Sparks.

Kuçi hosted a meeting representatives of International Notary Institute
Prishtina 31/07/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi today hosted meeting representatives of International Notary Institute, Michel Merloti and Roland Niklaus, where they talked about further cooperation on the full functioning of the notary service in all municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo. The meeting was also attended by the head of KCN Arbena Shehu and the leadership of the Chamber.  

U.S reaffirms the institutional and political cooperation with Kosovo
Prishtina 27/07/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof .Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted a meeting the Deputy Ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Kelly C. Degnan, which he congratulated for her new job position. 

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi has visited the place where the Palace of Justice is...
Pristine 22/07/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof.Dr. Hajredin Kuçi,has visited the place where the Palace of Justice is being built, whereby  he expressed regret for the failure that occurred. 

Speech of Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi in the Inter-ministerial Commission for Pu...
Pristine 11/07/2012

Also, besides the Strategy for Public Administration Reform, we have already approved the Action Plan and the Government has made a decision for the structures responsible for the implementation of these documents. Hereupon, I invite the responsible institutions for implementation of activities and constitution of the relevant working groups and subgroups - according to the government decision to start their work as soon as possible and results to be reported soon.

Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Kuçi has met the Head of EULEX, de Marnac
Prishtina 10/07/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Kuçi, today welcomed the Head of EULEX, Xavier de Marnac, with whom he has discussed about the cooperation between the two institutions, in which case the two interlocutors agreed that this cooperation should continue in the future for the purpose of the rule of law and order in Kosovo.

Minister Kuçi has met the leading staff of the MoJ
Pristine 10/07/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today held a meeting with the department directors and other structures of the Ministry of Justice, with whom he discussed the activities within the working plan foreseen to be developed in the future.

News Photo
Prishtina 05/07/2012

Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice, Bedri Bahtiri, today has awarded certificates to 10 students of the Faculty of Law who have successfully completed 3 months of practice in the Ministry of Justice. This practice was made possible thanks to the cooperation of the Ministry of Justice with the Career Center of the UP Law Faculty.

France supports the end of the supervised Independence
Prishtina 21/06/2012

France supports the Government of Kosovo in the process of completing the supervised independence, it was said in a meeting held today between the  Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor Dr. Kuçi with the French Ambassador in Kosovo, Jean Francois Fitou.

A Letter of Condolences of the Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi, on the death anniver...
Pristine 19/06/2012

Today on the first anniversary of the death of our cooperator, colleague, Assembly Member, Minister, the tireless activist of national issues, Mrs Nekibe Kelmendi, the vivid memory of her continues to remain, for her exceptional contributions given in all the important processes that Kosovo has passed, the long journey to freedom and independence.

Kuçi: Kosovo is working to have a modern system of justice
Pristine 19/06/2012

Kosovo is interested in having built a modern justice system based on democracy, law and order, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, on the fourth promotion of a series of legal publications, published today by the Kosovo Law Center.

Sweden evaluates the progress made in Kosovo
Pristine 18/06/2012

The Republic of Kosovo and the Kingdom of Sweden  have had and continue to have good inter-state cooperation, it was said at a meeting held today between the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Kuçi with the Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Sweden, Beatrice Ask.

Kuçi: Prosecutor Ademi is an example of how to work for independence in the jud...
Prishtina 30/01/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, attended today the  commemorative ceremony organized by the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor,  to commemorate  the state  Prosecutor , Zyhra Ademi.

France continues to support Kosovo
Prishtina 30/01/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, met today  the Ambassador of the Republic of France, Jean-François Fitou, which discussed the current political developments in Kosovo.

Kuçi: The report clearly stated the institutional independence of the judiciary
Prishtina 20/01/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today took part in the publication of the report to the Kosovo Judicial Independence: Institutional and functional dimensions, organized by the OSCE.

USAID continues to support Kosovo through the Government
Prishtina 18/01/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today had a meeting with a USAID delegation, headed by John Niemeyer.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi met with Ambassador Karajanov
Prishtina 18/01/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, met today the Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Kosovo, Stojan Karajanov.

Juveniles with educational-correctional measures are attending their lessons in...
Prishtina 18/01/2012

Juveniles with educational-correctional measures placed in Lipjan Correctional Center, have started their second semester of the academic year 2011 - 2012, in elementary and secondary schools in Lipjan.

The cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and the European Commission reg...
Prishtina 13/01/2012

Deputy Minister of Justice, Daut Xhemajli, met today  with Carola Schmidt, in charge of Kosovo issues in the  unit of the Directorate for Enlargement at the European Commission and her deputy  Leonetta Pajer.

Kuçi: Jusuf Gërvalla, Kadri Zeka and Bardhosh Gërvalla are trinomial that marks...
Prishtina 12/01/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi attended the Memorial Academy on the occasion of 30 anniversary of the  Jusuf and Bardhosh Gervalla and Kadri Zeka, which was organized under the patronage of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi.

Kuçi met the representatives of the International Committee of Red Cross
Prishtine 28/12/2011

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, met today the representatives of the International Committee of Red Cross in Kosovo.

Blind Association of Kosova, Acknowledgement for Deputy Prime Minister and Mini...
Prishtina 28/12/2011

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi received today a delegation of the Blind Association of Kosova, headed by President Bujar Kadriu.

ICJ legitimized the declaration of Independence
Prishtine 22/12/2011

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, met today Mr. Michael Wood, lawyer and former legal representative of the Republic of Kosovo at  the International Court of Justice in the case of advisory opinion  about the legality of the Declaration of Independence.

Initial phase of completion of supervised independence discussed in Brussels
Brussels 20/12/2011

 A high level delegation of Kosovo, headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, in composition of  Minister of interior affairs, Bajram Rexhepi, Head of Kosovo  Judicial Council, Enver Peci, chief prosecutor, Ismet Kabashi and Director of the Kosovo Police, Shpend Maxhuni, is staying on official visit to Brussels. They had today a meeting with senior officials of the EU.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi traveled to Brussels for official visit
Prishtina 19/12/2011

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Professor. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, accompanied by Minister of Interior Affairs, Bajram Rexhepi, chief Prosecutor, Ismet Kabashi, Head of Kosovo Judicial Council, Enver Peci and Director General of Kosovo Police, Shpend Maxhuni traveled for official visit to Brussels, where they will meet with senior officials of the European Commission.

The scientific conference
Prishtina 16/12/2011

War Crimes Research Institute in Kosovo held the  scientific conference " The Challenges in researching the war crimes in Kosovo 1998 - June 1999".

In the Faculty of law of Prishtina University was lectured for war crimes resea...
Prishtina 15/12/2011

War Crimes Research Institute in Kosovo, which operates under the Ministry of Justice, today organized for  students and professors of the Faculty of Law University, a lecture about  war crimes research.

 Director General of Kosovo Correctional Service has suspended the correctional...
Tallinn 09/12/2011

 A delegation of the Ministry of Justice of Kosovo, consisting of Vigan Qorrolli, Chief of Cabinet, Muharrem Mahmutaj Political Advisor, and Elbasan Dervishaj , Head of the Notary Office at MoJ, is staying in Tallinn at the invitation of the Ministry of Justice of Estonia.

Two KCS Officers are Suspended from their job
Prishtina 09/12/2011

 Director General of Kosovo Correctional Service has suspended the correctional officers SB and BS at the Detention Center in Lipjan, 

Two KCS Officers are Suspended from their job
Prishtina 09/12/2011

Director General of Kosovo Correctional Service has suspended the correctional officers SB and BS at the Detention Center in Lipjan, 

Kuçi: We are constantly combating the corruption in Kosovo
Prishtina 08/12/2011

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today met with Miklos Marschal, General Deputy Director General the Organization Transparency International (TI). 

Ministry of Justice takes measures against procurement officials
Prishtina 08/12/2011

After the violations found by the Procurement Review Body in a tendering  process for renovation of  Smrekonicë Correctional Center, for which has written also the daily newspaper “Zëri”, the Minister of Justice. Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, with the urgent procedure has requested  investigation into the case. This has resulted in the decision of the Director General of the Kosovo Correctional Service,  Mr. Resmi Hoxha to discharge from her duty Ms. Batisha Ibrahimi, responsible for procurement in KCS and also involved in contested tender . 

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi met with Mr. Erhard Busek
Prishtina 07/12/2011

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today met  with the  former coordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Erhard Busek, with whom he discussed the latest developments in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the agreement reached for integrated border management.

Ministry of Justice discussed the priorities for 2012
Prishtina 02/12/2011