Site map

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Collapse MinistryMinistry
Role and the Mission
Collapse MinisterMinister
Collapse Minister's CabinetMinister's Cabinet
Shqiprim.Haziri, asistent i lartë i Ministrit
Mimoza Blakaj, asistente e Ministrit
Collapse Deputy MinisterDeputy Minister
Munir Basha
Collapse Councilors of the MinisterCouncilors of the Minister
Altin Ademi, Keshilltar i Larte Politik & Shef i Kabinetit
Collapse Alfred Marlekaj, Keshilltar politikAlfred Marlekaj, Keshilltar politik
Collapse Fadil NuraFadil Nura
Collapse Raporti Vjetor i kontrataveRaporti Vjetor i kontratave
Njoftimet për Kontratë
Njoftimet për Kontratë
Njoftimet për anulim
Collapse KontratatKontratat
Prokurimi 2013/2017
Afrim Kasolli
Faton Fetahu
Shemsi Maksuti
Collapse Minister's CabinetMinister's Cabinet
Shqiprim.Haziri, asistent i lartë i Ministrit
Mimoza Blakaj, asistente e Ministrit
General Secretary
Collapse Office of the Secretary Office of the Secretary
General Secretary
Human Rights Office
Vendimet e Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm
Collapse AgenciesAgencies
State Advocacy
Kosovo Correctional Service
Kosovo Probation Service
Collapse Agency for Administration of Sequestrated or Confiscated AssetsAgency for Administration of Sequestrated or Confiscated Assets
Publication of auctions
Forensic Departament
The Inspectorate of Ministry of Justice for the Inspection of the work in Kosovo Correctional Servic
Collapse DepartamentsDepartaments
Collapse Department of legal affairsDepartment of legal affairs
Plani Zhvillimor Strategjik i Ministrisë së Drejtësisë
Afrim Kasolli
Faton Fetahu
Collapse Agreements on International Legal CooperationAgreements on International Legal Cooperation
Collapse Faton FetahuFaton Fetahu
Naim Qelaj
Vesna Mikic
Altin Ademi
Afrim Kasolli
Alfred Marleku
Departamenti për Drejtësi Tranzicionale dhe Mbështetje të Viktimave të Krimit
Department for European Integration and policy Coordination
Free Professions Department
Department of Finance and General Services
Internal Audit Unit
Divizioni për Mbikëqyrjen e Ligjshmërisë së Punës së Profesioneve të Lira
Divizioni për Koordinimin e Procesit për Mbrojtjen Juridike dhe Mbështetjen Financiare të Personave
Public Information Division
Department of Procurement
Collapse LegislationLegislation
Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo
Consolidated Laws
Laws Repealed
Regulations and Administrative Instructions
Memorandums of Understanding
Collapse Project - Civil Code of the Republic of KosovoProject - Civil Code of the Republic of Kosovo
Preliminary Draft
Material / Analysis
Comments / Suggestions
Public Consultations
Collapse LajmetLajmet
Minister Activities
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery

