During this visit, Minister Tahiri offered his full support as Minister of Justice, in increasing the efficiency of the work of the courts in general, and the Basic Court of Prishtina in particular due to the large number of cases handled by this court.
Minister Tahiri stated that the full independence of the judiciary is one of the fundamental pillars of democratic state-building and that he is committed to meeting all the KJC and KPC budget requirements in order for them to have financial sustainability and manage to perform their work efficiently and independently.
During the meeting, there have been discussed the steps that are being taken to increase efficiency, to manage cases through the incorporation of electronic systems, and to increase the transparency of the judiciary.
Minister Tahiri stated that, together with the KJC and KPC, they are harmonizing efforts to fight all violations of the law, especially those related to organized crime and corruption.
With regard to this, Minister Tahiri informed the attendees on the legislative amendments that are taking place, including the amendments in the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, and the law package on the judiciary and prosecution.