In response to this challenge, the Balkan Assessment Recovery Interagency Network (BARIN) held its second meeting in Pristina, Kosovo on the 18th and 19th September 2017.
Membership of the BARIN Network is comprised of government agencies from eight Western Balkan countries responsible for the management and disposal of assets seized from criminals. The member jurisdictions are; Albania, Bosnian-Hercegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.
The first meeting of BARIN took place in April 2014. This meeting was hosted in Kosovo by the Agency for the Management and of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets (AMSCA) and supported by the EU funded Project “Further Support to Kosovo Institutions in the fight against organized crime and corruption”. AMSCA is the Asset Management Office (AMO) for Kosovo.
At this first meeting the participants agreed to establish a regional network to enhance its members cross-border capabilities to manage assets suspected to be derived from criminal activity. The practitioners in BARIN will also exchange of good practice in the field of sequestration, management and confiscation of criminal assets in order to develop their own national laws and procedures in this field.
The second meeting was again hosted by AMSCA from Kosovo, supported by the EUO in Kosovo and funded by Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) from the European Commission.
The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Pre-Seizure Planning’. Input on this subject was provided by practitioners from the Dutch AMO, the Belgian AMO, and a private company contracted by asset recovery units in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
Each member jurisdiction provided an update on the establishment of their own AMOs and an overview of inter-agency cooperation with respect to the management of seized criminal assets.
Kosovo will hold the Presidency of BARIN throughout 2017. Upcoming Presidencies will be FYR Macedonia in 2018 and Bosnia-Hercegovina in 2019. BARIN Presidencies will each host the annual meeting of the group. There was further agreement on the establishment of a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will consist of three members; the current BARIN Presidency, the previous Presidency and the following Presidency. The current Steering Committee members are therefore Kosovo, FYR Macedonia and Bosnia-Hercegovina.
The EU funded project OCC-CVE will act as a secretariat for BARIN during its establishment phase.
Future network plans include the establishment of a website as a means of exchanging technical data on asset management between BARIN members.