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Ministry of Justice and the Municipality of Peja-signed the agreement for allocation of land for the construction of Peja Public prosecution offices

Ministry of Justice and the Municipality of Peja-signed the agreement for allocation of land for the construction of Peja Public prosecution offices

Prishtina, 22/03/2010

In an agreement signed between the Minister of Justice Ms. Nekibe Kelmendi the Peja Mayor, Mr. Ali Berisha, it is said that the construction of the facility of  the Prosecutors offices, near the “rrokaqielli-skyscraper”, will be realized  by means of the Government, which will invest over one million euros, while the municipality has allocated 17 acre of land. 

After signing the agreement Minister Kelmendi Minister said that the realization of this project is of particular importance for improving the working conditions of employees of prosecutions for the region of Peja. 
"One such project was realized in Prizren and will be soon the inauguration. Similar view will have the facility Peja prosecution. After Peja, the facility of prosecution office will be built in Gjilan ", said Minister Kelmendi. 

While President Berisha thanked the Government of Kosovo for its investments in the municipality of Peja. 

"Construction of modern Municipal and district Prosecution office , is of particular importance, which will create better conditions for work for prosecutors, other staff and clients", said President Berisha. 
Construction of two prosecution, that of District and Municipal it expected to be completed by the end of this year.

Foto Galeria

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