The Division for Strategic Communication with the Public has as its mission that the policies and activities of the Ministry are presented through open, objective, clear, inclusive and timely communication with the public so that they are informed about the rights and responsibilities towards the institutions and express the views of theirs.
The duties and responsibilities of the Division for Strategic Communication with the Public are:
• Provides professional support for the Ministry in the field of communication and information, including strategic communication;
• Prepares, updates and implements the Ministry’s communication plan, applying effective communication techniques;
• Organizes media conferences and prepares press releases, statements, reports and other publications;
• Prepares, distributes and archives photographs and audio-visual materials of the main activities of the Ministry;
• Manages the Ministry’s official website, social networks and protocol issues;
• Accepts and examines initial requests for access to public documents and prepares reports on the implementation of the relevant law on access to public documents;
• Support the process of drafting policies and legislation, through the development and presentation of communication plans, and the communication of public meetings, as well as online consultations with the public;
• Ensures that the media is fully informed about the Ministry’s policies and activities, including official visits inside and outside the country;
• Prepare the statements and speeches of the Minister and for the Ministry, in coordination with the Media Adviser or the Chief of Cabinet;
• Ensures that the Ministry provides the necessary support for the general presentation of the Government’s policies in cooperation with the Prime Minister’s Office;
• Serves as official liaison with the public and media regarding strategic communication issues.
The Head of the Division for Strategic Communication with the Public reports to the General Secretary.
Deputy Head of the Division for Strategic Communication with the Public
Ms. Qëndresa Mustafa
Phone: 038/200-67-035
Address: Ministry of Justice
New Government Building (former Renaissance Building)
Pristina, Kosovo