The mission of the Department of Access to Justice, Transitional Justice and Crime Victim Support is to ensure fair and effective access to the justice system for all, inclusive transitional justice and crime victim support.
The duties and responsibilities of the Department for Access to Justice, Transitional Justice and Crime Victim Support are:
- Drafts strategies and policy documents for ensuring fair and effective access to the justice system;
- It implements and reports on the activities of strategies and policy documents of the Ministry for access to justice;
- It implements and reports on activities from strategies and policy documents of the Ministry in the field of protection from domestic violence, violence against women and gender-based violence;
- Monitors the protection and promotes the general implementation of human rights by the structures of the Ministry and drafts reports with recommendations;
- Offers recommendations and advice to the structures of the Ministry for
the compatibility of policies, proposed laws, decisions and other actions with human rights;
- Reports and provides information on the implementation of the Ministry’s obligations in the field of human rights;
- Drafts, ensures implementation and reports on the implementation of activities from strategies and policy documents for transitional justice in Kosovo;
- Coordinates the cooperation process for transitional justice policies;
- Provides support to victims of crime, including support in the compensation process for victims of crime in accordance with the relevant law.
The Director of the Department for Access to Justice, Transitional Justice and Crime Victim Support reports to the Secretary General.
The Department for Access to Justice, Transitional Justice and Crime Victim Support consists of the following divisions:
- Division for Access to Justice, Protection from Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence;
- Transitional Justice Division, and
- Crime Victim Support Division
Director of the Department for Access to Justice, Transitional Justice and Crime Victim Support
Ilir Gutaj
Phone: +383/ 038 200 67 142
Address: Ministry of Justice
New Government Building (former Renaissance Building)
Floor 10, Office no. 1021
Pristina, Kosovo
Division for Access to Justice, Protection from Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence
The duties and responsibilities of the Division for Access to Justice, Protection from Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Violence are:
- Drafts strategies, concept documents and other policy documents of the Ministry for access to justice, including protection from domestic violence, violence against women and gender-based violence;
- Makes the implementation and reporting by the relevant departments and agencies, for activities from the Ministry’s strategies and policy documents for access to justice, protection from domestic violence, violence against women and gender-based violence;
- Provides support in the drafting of legislation on access to justice, including protection from domestic violence, violence against women and gender-based violence;
- Provides support for the inclusion of the gender aspect and anti-discrimination in policies and legislation within the scope of the Ministry;
- Monitors the protection and promotes the general implementation of human rights by the Correctional Service, Probation Service, agencies and other structures of the Ministry, and drafts reports with recommendations for institutional improvements in this aspect;
- Makes regular visits and according to need and requirements in correctional and probation institutions;
- Evaluates proposed legislation, decisions and other actions of the Ministry’s structures, offering recommendations and advice on their compatibility with human rights;
- Cooperates with the Ombudsman Institution and other mechanisms for human rights, access to justice, protection from domestic violence, violence against women, and gender-based violence, and monitors the implementation of relevant recommendations by the Ministry’s structures;
- Cooperates with other bodies and institutions, including non-governmental organizations and international organizations in the field of access to justice, protection from domestic violence, violence against women, and gender-based violence;
- Reports and provides information on the implementation of the Ministry’s obligations in the field of human rights, including protection from discrimination and gender equality;
- Serves as the Secretariat of the National Coordinator against Domestic Violence;
- Manages the relevant database on domestic violence and violence against women and submits reports to the National Coordinator and the Inter-Institutional Coordinating Group.
The Head of the Division for Access to Justice, Protection from Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence reports to the Director of the Department for Access to Justice, Transitional Justice and Crime Victim Support.
Head of the Division for Access to Justice, Protection from Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence
Address: Ministry of Justice
New Government Building (former Renaissance Building)
Pristina, Kosovo
Transitional Justice Division
The duties and responsibilities of the Transitional Justice Division are:
- Drafts, ensures the implementation and reports on the activities of the strategies and policies of the Ministry and the Government for transitional justice;
- Provides recommendations and advice to the Ministry and the Government regarding transitional justice in Kosovo;
- Provides support in the drafting of transitional justice legislation;
- Coordinates the process of cooperation with external parties, civil society and international organizations related to transitional justice policies, and
- Manages relevant databases related to the aspects of transitional justice, in accordance with the legislation in force.
The Head of the Transitional Justice Division reports to the Director of the Access to Justice, Transitional Justice and Crime Victim Support Department.
Head of the Transitional Justice Division
Address: Ministry of Justice
New Government Building (former Renaissance Building)
Pristina, Kosovo
Crime Victim Support Division
The duties and responsibilities of the Crime Victim Support Division are:
- Ensures the smooth running of the legal procedure for the compensation of crime victims;
- Promotes opportunities and provides all information to the parties for the procedure of compensation for victims of crime;
- Prepares guidelines for the procedure of compensation for victims of crime;
- Provides administrative and technical support to the relevant Commission for the compensation of crime victims;
- Manages the relevant database for crime victim compensation;
- Provides information for victims of crime regarding the legal possibilities for the protection of their rights, and
- Cooperates with relevant institutions and bodies for the support of crime victims.
The Head of the Crime Victim Support Division reports to the Director of the Access to Justice, Transitional Justice and Crime Victim Support Department.
Head of Crime Victim Support Division
Address: Ministry of Justice
New Government Building (former Renaissance Building)
Pristina, Kosovo