The promotion was attended by scholars, researchers, and a large audience, wherein Deputy Minister Basha congratulated the authors of the publications and the Institute for their serious work and for shedding light on the Serbian crimes in Kosovo.
“The work and the results of this Institute are being marked today through the promotion of these three extremely important books. The people of Kosovo, after struggling for more than a century, have succeeded to be free from Serbian occupation as a result of the heroic KLA war and the help of the international community. Nevertheless, many men, women, and children were sacrificed in this war for the freedom that we now enjoy”, said Deputy Minister Basha and asked to shed light on these crimes and to punish the perpetrators.
Deputy Minister Basha noted that the Government of Kosovo, being aware of these victims and their sacrifices for Kosovo freedom, and in order for the victims to be always remembered and enjoy the respect they deserve, on 15 June 15 2011 by a special decision established the Institute for War Crimes Research.
Speaking about the Institute's work, Deputy Minister Basha emphasized the highly important human and state mission that this Institute embodies. The stand of the Government and of the Ministry of Justice is to establish a stable legal basis for this Institute and strengthen it by providing personnel, adequate workplace, and other better conditions needed for more efficient work.
The publications of Prof. Fejaz Drançolli, Destroyed Heritage in Kosova 1998-99, Mr. sc. Fetnete Ramosaj, Against Forgetfulness – Serbian Genocide in Kosova 1998-1999, and Mr. sc. Baki Svirca, Destruction and Plunder of Kosova’s Archive Fund from Serbia, before and during the 1998-1999 war, have been promoted at this ceremony of the Institute for War Crimes Research.