This presentation was also attended by Minister Avdullah Hoti as well as officials from the European Union Office and experts of the field.
Deputy Minister Basha emphasized that the assessment of this report is focused on three priority areas: the judicial system, the prosecutorial system, and the public procurement field, pointing out that the Ministry of Justice, within its competencies, is constantly working in advancing the criminal and anti-corruption legislation as well as judicial reforms in the context of the challenges posed by the European Agenda in the country.
“We have built the architecture of justice, we have good and democratic laws, and we have professional judges and prosecutors provided with good conditions for independent, impartial and professional work. We have set standards in justice in order to make it more functional”, said Deputy Minister Munir Basha, adding that now is the time to have functional justice and win the trust of citizens.
In his speech, Mr. Basha emphasized that guaranteeing and protecting citizens' rights, and combating corruption and organized crime are the prerequisites that Kosovo must fulfil as a modern and democratic state governed by law and order.
“Although the Ministry of Justice has very limited powers in the work of the prosecution and the courts, we are committed to assisting in establishing better policies for the functioning of the rule of law system in our country”, emphasized Deputy Minister Basha.
It should be noted that the review of criminal and anti-corruption legislation is part of the activities for 2017, in addition to efforts in amending and supplementing the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as anti-corruption laws, namely the drafting of the Concept Paper on Anti-Corruption Agency and on the Declaration, Origin, and Control of Property. Moreover, a working group was established for the drafting of the concept paper on “Review and adoption of legislation that makes the suspension and/or dismissal of public officials accused and convicted of corruption mandatory”. At the same time, Deputy Minister Basha said that it is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Justice has drafted the Draft Law on “Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Discharge of Public Functions”, which is already in the Assembly. This draft law was drafted in full compliance with the EU legislation and was done in cooperation with representatives of the Anti-Corruption Agency, experts from the Council of Europe, and the EU Office in Kosovo.
“Concrete measures will be taken with regard to the presentation of the findings and recommendations, especially in the process of reviewing the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, and in particular the anti-corruption legislation” emphasized Deputy Minister Basha, while underlining that during the process of Functional Review of the Rule of Law Sector the institutional capacities of stakeholders involved in the fight against corruption will be particularly addressed in order to implement, coordinate, and further strengthen the measures to be taken against this ugly phenomenon.
“Our country needs to strengthen its institutional capacity in fighting corruption, money laundering, and terrorist financing in line with the European standards. This is best achieved through the efficient absorption of technical assistance and assessments that will be modelled on GRECO and MONEYVAL methodologies”, added Deputy Minister Munir Basha, pointing out that we are on the right path in marking progress towards strengthening the rule of law, which is a priority of the Republic of Kosovo as the only path towards integration into European structures.