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DFM – Prosecution: discuss further cooperation

DFM – Prosecution: discuss further cooperation

Prishtina, 30/01/2013

 Department of Forensic Medicine (DFM) of the Ministry of Justice today was visited by the Chief State Prosecutor, Ismet Kabashi and chief prosecutors of the Basic Prosecution Offices, on which case the Director of DFM, Arsim Gerxhaliu, informed them with the work being done in this department.

Subsequently they had a joint meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, the Head of the EULEX Executive Division, Mats Mattson and the local and EULEX staff of DFM.

On this occasion, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi said that this meeting is good for deepening the cooperation between DFM and the prosecutor offices, and invited DFM to cooperate with the prosecution offices from the first phase of the investigations, which according to him, the new legislative changes have given a greater power to investigate faster, more efficiently, but also with a more accessible procedure and greater powers for prosecutors.

The Minister said that under the new legislative changes, the Ministry of Justice is prepared to organize adequate staff trainings, but also coordinate with the Prosecution Offices and the Police, so that all the data are based on international standards. In this regard, Minister asked for a cooperation between the DFM with the countries in the region and beyond, and praised the work done by the EULEX within the DFM, and considered the work of this department as very important for the justice in Kosovo.

Minister Kuçi promised the continuation of support for the Department of Forensic Medicine in building capacities and working conditions.

Chief Prosecutor Ismet Kabashi, after having expressed his and his colleagues appreciation for what they were presented and also the DFM's performance, talked about the possibilities of enhancing the cooperation between this department and the prosecution offices.

The Head of the EULEX Executive Division, Mattson, presented his experiences on how to develop the cooperation between the Department of Forensic Medicine and the prosecution offices.

The participants discussed openly with the aim of improving the cooperation between DFM and prosecution offices in those segments where there were either technical or other kinds of obstacles. They discussed about the regulation of procedures on autopsy orders and clinical examinations, the participation in the crime scenes, the forensic expert testimonies on the autopsies performed, the possibility of the return of DNA analysis in DFM over a particular procedural period, the possibility of completing the DNA laboratory, etc.

It was also highlighted the importance of using local and EULEX capacities, as well as the application of DFM services  according to the new Criminal Procedure Code of Kosovo. 

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