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Discutions on Role and Mandate of EULEX after the Supervision of Independence

Discutions on Role and Mandate of EULEX after the Supervision of Independence

Prishtina, 31/07/2012

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice , Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today hosted a meeting Mr. Zbogar, EU Special Representative in Kosovo,  Deputy ambassador of USA in Kosovo Kelly C. Degnan,  and Deputy Head of EULEX Mr. Andy Sparks.

In the meeting was discussed the issue regarding the EULEX mission and the need for an official invitation by the Kosovo government addressing the European Union, foe the extension of the EULEX mission in Kosovo, based on the Kosovo constitution,  called “Exchange of Letters”. On this occasion Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi said that exchange of letters between Kosovo and the EU should take into consideration as: (1) Respecting the legal basis of Kosovo; (2) limitation of EULEX mandate until June, 2014; (3) the consent of judges and prosecutors from Kosovo institutions; (4) creation of bilateral agreement between Kosovo and the EU through this Exchange Letters, and (5) approval of the agreement by the Kosovo Assembly.

Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi also requested assistance by EULEX for the process of Visa liberalization and Stabilization-Association Agreement. 

It was also discussed for a range of issues dealing with defining the duties of EULEX and the Kosovo party as they were mentioned on Structured Dialogue on Rule of Law, and the Board for Rule of Law in Kosovo, which will be included in a partnership agreement between the Government of Kosovo, the EU office in Kosovo and EULEX. In determining these duties, the Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi also said that there is a need: (1) to develop clear objectives with specific timelines for the tasks listed in this agreement; (2) to analyze legal budgetary implications regarding these tasks; and (3) the plan must be included on the transfer of Competences of EULEX to Kosovo institutions, as proposed in October, 2011 and reiterated in Brussels in May, 2012. 

All parties agreed that the objectives mentioned above by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof.Dr. Hajredin Kuçi will be discussed in further meetings. 

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