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EU and Kosovo discuss on the rule of law

EU and Kosovo discuss on the rule of law

Prishtina, 16/01/2014

Representatives of Kosovo and the European Union met in Brussels today for the third time for the Structured Dialogue on the Rule of Law. During this meeting, the Kosovo side presented a detailed overview of the progress made in the field of rule of law during 2013. 

At the meeting the Kosovo delegation was asked to, by the end of April, prepare a comprehensive strategy on the rule of law and an Action Plan. This will allow the EU and other donors to provide strategic assistance in Kosovo in the next three years. This will also enable Kosovo to gradually take over responsibilities from EULEX regarding the rule of law.

The Structured Dialogue on the Rule of Law provides an opportunity for political discussions on justice, freedom and security, judiciary and fundamental rights at the high level. On this occasion, discussions were focused on the judicial reform and the judiciary, the judiciary independence, fight against organised crime and corruption and effective prevention of corruption. The European External Action Service offered a brief overview on the next review procedure of the rule of law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, which will soon be discussed in the EU Council.

The meeting was chaired by the EC DG ENLARG, Christian Danielsson. Representatives of the Commission, European External Action Service (EEAS), Head of EULEX Mission, Bernd Borchardt and EUSR Samuel Zbogar, were present.

In this delegation chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Kuçi, Minister of Internal Affairs of Kosovo, Bajram Rexhepi and the Minister for European Integration, Vlora Citaku, were present as well. Members of Parliament, heads of judiciary institutions, Police, Anti-Corruption Agency were attending this meeting.

The Structured Dialogue on the Rule of Law held its inaugural meeting on 30 May 2012 in Brussels and the second meeting on 12 February 2013 in Prishtina. The Structured dialogue represents a long-term commitment between the EU and Kosovo to strengthen the rule of law; therefore focuses on the judiciary, fight against organised crime and corruption, in particular in order to support Kosovo in addressing the challenges in terms of rule of law at an early stage in the enlargement process.

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