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It is handover the Smrekovnica Prison facility

It is handover the Smrekovnica Prison facility

Prishtina, 31/12/2009

In a solemnity occasion , were handover to  the Ministry of Justice the keys Smerkovnicës Prison facilities  which were used  by French KFOR contingent since 1999. 
The keys on behalf of the Ministry of Justice received the  Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mr. Florian Dushi, which were  handed over by  French KFOR General , Arnaud Deville Santa-Clarie. 
"I Thank you and  the state of France for all the inventory , which you  have left at this prison property. This inventory will remain in the benefit of good works, which will be conducted in the future in these facilities , "said Secretary Dushi . 

On the other hand General Deville said: "we are returning these facilities to the ownership of  Kosovo institutions, after 10 years spent in them. Their return comes as a result of creating of much better security situation and because of reorganization of KFOR. 
With the acceptation of the objects of this prison, the Ministry of Justice has immediately taken all institutional security measures and its functionality. 

In this correctional institution by the end of the month it is expected to place  a certain number of prisoners with short sentences, and after some renovation to be made, will be placed 200 inmates with the possibility of increasing the capacity for 50 others. 

Foto Galeria

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