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Kuçi: Fight against corruption remains one of the highest priorities of the Government

Kuçi: Fight against corruption remains one of the highest priorities of the Government

Prishtina, 04/10/2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, Prof. Dr. Hajredin Kuçi, today took part in the sixth meeting of the National Anti-Corruption Council chaired by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs Atifete Jahjaga.
Speaking on the activities of the Ministry of Justice in the fight against corruption, deputy Prime minister, Kuçi said:

"As I have said in the past meetings, the fight against corruption is not an easy task, but a challenge for all institutions. I take this opportunity to thank the representatives of all the institutions present for their contribution and cooperation in this field. Fight against corruption remains one of the highest priorities of the Government of Kosovo and one of the prerequisites for the process of European integration. We further express our dedication and willingness to take all the actions to coordinate the anti-corruption activities with a zero tolerance policy.

During the discussions at our last meeting and also during the work of the working groups, we, as Ministry of Justice, have been committed to take all the necessary steps in preparing the necessary legislation in ensuring more effective fight against corruption.

I am pleased to inform you that we have drafted (amended) the 'package of laws against corruption', respectively the Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law no. 04/L-050 on Declaration, Origin and Control of Property of Senior Public Officials and the Declaration and Origin of Gifts of all Public Official, and the Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law no. 04/L-051 on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest in the Exercise of Public Function.

These draft laws have already been approved by the Government and proceeded to the Assembly, therefore I believe that the Assembly will very soon proceed with the adoption of these laws.

Through amending and supplementing these laws will be achieved the harmonization of anti-corruption legislation with the legislation in force, namely the Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, which has been one of the requirements arising from the working groups within the Council. No doubt that these amendments have meet the requirements that have emerged from the long and substantial consultations with the Anti-Corruption Agency, institutions, local and international organizations and the civil society in Kosovo.

I am convinced that these two draft laws will have a very positive effect in preventing corruption and abuse of official duty. Following the adoption of laws, we as a Ministry, will take all the necessary steps for an easier implementation, and will draft the necessary sub-legal acts in order to guarantee an easier implementation of these laws in practice.

Another issue of particular importance in the fight against corruption is the initiative for the 'Establishment of the national office for the coordination of the work of the institutions in combating economic crimes'. Along with some of the participants in this meeting we agreed to establish a National Office for the coordination and monitoring of the activities of relevant justice institutions in pursuing the perpetrators of criminal offences with economic benefits. One of the primary goals of this office will be monitoring the work of relevant institutions in the process of seizure/confiscation of property resulting from criminal acts and their proper management.

We believe that the functioning of this office will increase the efficiency of the institutions involved in the fight against economic crime and will minimize the possibilities of misuse of confiscated or seized assets.

Once again, on behalf of the Ministry of Justice and on behalf of the Government, let me express our willingness to cooperate in the field of fight against corruption".

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