Minister Haxhiu instructed the private enforcement agents to consider the possibility of alleviating payments from the currently blocked accounts of debtors – pension and salary accounts.
It was also instructed for the private enforcement agents, notaries and other free legal professions to reduce activities, contacts with the parties, while the notaries to cancel sessions of inheritance or sales, or any other action that would help reduce the number of persons gathered in a given area.
The instructions issued by Minister Haxhiu are as follows:
1. The enforcement agents, notaries, and other free legal professions are instructed to, within the legal possibilities and in accordance with the factual situation, insofar as these instructions are applicable in their work, possibly reduce the activities of their offices and reduce contact with the parties, except for the necessary and vital work to be performed by their offices;
2. The private enforcement agents are instructed to, within the legal possibilities and in accordance with the factual situation, possibly cancel certain auctions, enforcement actions on the ground, and certain potential sessions;
3. Private enforcement agents are instructed to, within the legal possibilities and in accordance with the factual situation, review the possibilities for alleviating payments from the currently blocked accounts of debtors – pension and salary accounts – (through temporary unblocking of accounts, reduction of monthly installments, or other similar actions that at least would help the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo to overcome this situation as easily as possible);
4. The notaries are instructed to, within the legal possibilities and in accordance with the factual situation, cancel the sessions of inheritance, sales, or any other action that would help reduce the number of persons who gather in a given area;
5. These guidelines shall remain in force as long as they are deemed necessary or until eventual changes in factual circumstances or the general situation;
6. Under no circumstance are these guidelines intended to infringe the legal and professional independence of private enforcement agents, notaries, or other free legal professions, but are intended to guide appropriate action in the current situation.