Both signatories agreed to cooperate for a certain period of time in order for Caritas Kosova to implement their project entitled “From Prevention through Treatment and Rehabilitation to Successful Reintegration”.
These activities will take place in the Correctional Center and the Center for Educational and Correctional Measures in Lipjan. By this agreement, the Parties agree that Caritas Kosova will carry out activities aimed at prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in view of post release prisoners’ reintegration.
Finally, Minister Hoxha thanked the Director General of Caritas Kosova, Don Viktor Sopi, for the work and cooperation so far, and the representative of Caritas Kosova, Don Viktor Sopi, on the other hand, pledged for further cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, praising the latter for the cooperation so far.
This project is developed in order to support post release prisoners’ reintegration in society, a right guaranteed by the legislation in force.