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The cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and the European Commission regarding the programming of projects through the IPA is appreciated.

The cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and the European Commission regarding the programming of projects through the IPA is appreciated.

Prishtina, 13/01/2012

Deputy Minister of Justice, Daut Xhemajli, met today  with Carola Schmidt, in charge of Kosovo issues in the  unit of the Directorate for Enlargement at the European Commission and her deputy  Leonetta Pajer.

At this meeting they discussed the measures taken by the Ministry of Justice to eliminate the challenges arising from Progress Report of the European Commission for Kosovo, in 2011, in matters pertaining to the Ministry of Justice.

At the meeting  special attention was given to the IPA projects (Pre-accession Instrument), where representatives from the European Commission expressed their appreciation for  substantive cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, specifically assessed the quality of the projects that the Ministry of Justice has sent application for IPA funds for 2012 and  also welcomed the Ministry to prepare other necessary and competitive  projects for the new programming cycle for the IPA 2013. 

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